Chapter Seven: New Thoughts

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Here's the next chapter :) Not sure when the next one will be out

Enjoy :)

Adam's POV...

I don't know how long I have been pacing the floor of my room in the West Wing, but I soon began to tired as I glance at the rose. It is now starting to wilt. There is not much time before the last one falls, but there is nothing that can be done. My own arrogance and selfishness brought this down on myself and everyone else. I will never be free from this curse. I look down at my hands and my eyes wander over to the bracelet Elisabeth had given me before she left years ago. 

She was finally here, she kept her promise and she came back. I've thought about her often over the years, she was my best friend and she was there for me when my mother passed. Whenever I think of Elisabeth, I remember the happiness and joy she brought to me and the castle, I remember her kindness and understanding nature. She was always a good person with a soft heart, she was the only good thought I've had over the years. The only thing that has ever made me feel anything positive. 

Now here she was, in her childhood room in the castle. She hasn't changed much, she is still kind and understanding. When she touched my paw, I felt something, like a spark and it coursed through my body. When she smiled at me, I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. Hope. She was willing to stay by me despite my appearance. She stayed true to her promise, that no matter what she would always be my friend and always be there for me. 

She has only changed in appearance... like I have, only her change was good. She's so beautiful now. Her hair has lost it's curl and is more wavy, her skin has become so soft and smooth like porcelain. Her cheeks have become rosy, her lips have a pink tone to them and her eyes... they're so much brighter, I can see the light shinning in them and feel the warmth of them when she looked at me. 

She's so beautiful and I'm so...I look down at my paws and growled in frustration. I'm so hideous, I'm a creature... a monster. She may still be my friend, but I doubt that she will ever see me as anything more that, she will never love me... not as anymore than a friend, but she still gives me a spark of hope. 

There was a knock at me door that snapped me out of my thoughts "What?" I called out. 

"Master?" It was Lumiere "Dinner is ready" 

I sigh "I'll be there shortly"

I heard him walk off down the hall as I look over the rose again and pick up the mirror next to it "Show me Elisabeth" 

Soon her image appeared in the mirror. She was asleep on the bed, she looked so peaceful and angelic. She then woke up to knocking at her door and stood up to answer it. When she opened it, Plumette and the other maids were holding a dress for. 

I placed the mirror down, I wasn't about to watch her disrobe. I more respect for her than that. I then leave the West Wing to have dinner. 

Elisabeth's POV...

The dress that was brought to me was beautiful. I admired how it looked on me in the mirror, I've never worn anything like this before and feels perfect. It was gold with short sleeves and white flowers designing it. I tied my hair back into a half-bun to look nice when I see Adam at dinner... wait a moment. Why do I feel that way? My hands hover above my head after I tied my hair back. It's Adam, why would I try to impress him? I shake my head, clearing any thoughts I maybe having and head down stairs to dinner. 


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