Chapter 5-Screaming Bloody Murder

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I know it's been a long time since I updated and most of it has been me procrastinating. I finished this chapter weeks ago. BUT...... When I came back, I wanted to come back with more than one chapter, I hope this one is okay for now, but don't worry, I'm working on the next. I just have a bit of writers block, that's all. AND THE TITLE WILL TIE INTO THE NEXT CHAPTER WHICH I AM CURRENTLY WORKING ON!

So it should be up soon. Thank you for being all so patient!


Chapter 5
Screaming Bloody Murder

I woke up the next morning, or should I say afternoon to my mother knocking quite loudly on my door. "Frank, sweetie." She chirped, still knocking. "You have a visitor here? Her name is Jamia. She seems like a very lovely girl."

Oh shit.


Jamia was my girlfriend who I neglected to pay any sort of attention to. After Mikey died, I couldn't find the time to spend with her. It also didn't help that her and I went to different schools either, so it's not like we could've cut class together, or hung out at lunch.

"Frank Anothony."

"Mom!" I cried. "I'm up, just a minute."

There was a pause. "Okay, hurry now."

I rolled out of bed in nothing else but my batman boxers. I couldn't be bothered to dress nice for Jamia, when she probably only came over just to break up with me. I shrugged, and chose the first things from my dresser that I saw to put on; grey sweatpants and an old Iron Maiden T-shirt with the logo excessively fading on the front.

As soon as I opened my bedroom door, the scent of bacon was so strong that it may as well have punched me in the fucking nose. My mom knew I was a vegetarian but chose to ignore my lifestyle choices and only accommodated to her own, which meant that I also had to make my own meals because it was 'too confusing' for my mom to know what I could and couldn't eat.

"Frank? Oh good, you're up. Listen, I have to leave for work in five minutes. I made brunch for you and Jamia. I'll be home by 9... and no funny business, Mr."

"Right, okay. Thanks mom."

She placed her hands on either side of my face and kissed my forehead. "Bye, sweetie, I love you."

"Yeah, you too. Bye."

I watched my mother as she zipped up her winter coat, and slipped on her boots and mittens before leaving the house. The next thing I did was check to see where Jamia was. My first guess was the living room, and I was right.

"Frankie!" She squealed, running towards me in full embrace. I hesitated at first then carefully wrapped my arms around her frame. If anything, I was stunned. I wasn't expecting Jamia to be here. She wore faded blue jeans, a black Roots sweater and bright pink fuzzy socks.

She grinned, and tilted her head slightly, so that she could look at me. "Oh honey, I missed you so much." She pressed her lips to mine, her mouth just lingering there, probably waiting for me to reciprocate. I didn't.

"I missed you too." I lied. I didn't think I really missed Jamia as much as she missed me, which in the end made me feel like a bag of shit, perhaps my mind was too preoccupied with Mikey to even think of Jamia. I was a terrible boyfriend to begin with, and she was the only one putting the effort to see me. Last time I saw Jamia, everything was different; more passionate, lustful...perfect. And now, something felt as if it were missing. I couldn't tell her that though. It took her two hours for her to my house from hers. I didn't want her to come all this way for nothing. If anything, I'd rather be alone.

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