Chapter 7- A Creature of the Night

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Chapter 7
A Creature of the Night

It took me awhile, but once I really concentrated, I remembered the path that Gerard guided me down towards his house from my old high school. Even though I still had a few more months of school before I graduated, I decided after the whole crime scene in front of my house ordeal that I would drop out. Of course my mother wasn't too impressed with my decision, but what other choice did I have? School was too much for me right now; school was already too much for me after Mikey died and Pete moved back home to Wilmette. I was unattached from the world, and from myself. I had no other friends, so I may as well have avoided all the bullshit rumours about me being some creepy loner kid who may or may not have killed someone. But were they really rumours after all if it was the truth?

Gerard's house was kind of out of the way from everything else. It wasn't really in the middle of nowhere, but at the same time it was. It was kind of on one of those side streets that nobody except for the few odd people knew existed. Once I got down to the end of the beaten down, littered path, I turned right and I was met with a long, stretched out dead end lined with houses, and of course...his house was at the very fucking end.

Honestly I had no plan... or idea really of what exactly I was looking for that would be considered 'evidence'... And how was I ever going to break into his house without anyone noticing?

Before I could really think of anything else my phone went off; it was a text message from Pete with those lyrics he mentioned earlier. I skimmed through the message, not really paying attention to what Pete had really had typed out; he always hid the meanings of each song he wrote in some weird confusing metaphor. This time it was something to do with kissing a girl, and setting his clocks early or whichever. I told him it was good, just so I could move on with the conversation and ask him for help with my secret mission. Fuck, just the sound of it alone made me cringe. I sounded like a fuckin nerd.

Pete messaged back.

P WEEZY: You're actually gonna break in???????

Me: Dunno. Maybe? Wtf am I even supposed to look for?

P WEEZY: Murder tools!

Me: Anything could be used as a murder tool, dude.

P WEEZY: Well then... I don't fucking know?? Look for things that look suspicious?

Me: Oh. Wow, like I hadn't thought of that one.

P WEEZY: Frank, you dumb fuck, Just get in that house and TEAR SHIT UP

Me: Dude, he kicked my ass for saying stuff about Mikey, if I break in his house and 'tear shit up' he'll murder my ass whether or not he killed Jamia's mom or not.

P WEEZY: Fuck man, uh. Just do what he did to you.

Me: huh?

P WEEZY: Knock on his door, ask to hang out, seduce him... y'know? Get info, maybe get a little freee-kaaay ;)


P WEEZY: I was kidding about the last part...

PWEEZY: ......Maybe ;)

Me: Pete omfg. You're no fucking help.

I slid my phone back into my jean pocket and held my face in my hands for a minute. Maybe I couldn't do this. It was too risky... it was-

I felt a firm hand on my shoulder. "Hey man, you okay?"

Startled, I jumped a little, looking up from my hands to see a guy wearing baggy jeans and an old leather jacket over a Metallica shirt. His hair was unruly; curly as hell, forming a slightly larger than average afro. Sweat glazed the edge of his hairline; his shoulders were hunched over, half leaning on his shovel, half on me.

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