Chapter 12- How to kill a vampire

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Chapter 12

How to kill a vampire

The rest of the evening was spent at Gerard's house. He sat on the love-seat; curled up with his sketchbook resting between his knees and chest. His tongue poked out from the corner of his mouth ever so slightly, while he lifted his eyes off the page to look at me once more.

I sat on the lazy -boy chair, looking out the window watching Gerard's mom clean up the front yard. Although he didn't exactly say, I knew that Gerard was drawing me. I pretended not to know though, because if I convinced myself that he wasn't in fact drawing me, then perhaps it'd be easier to hide the blush that so easily crept upon my cheeks.

"Can you just stay still?"

I looked over my shoulder at him. "What do you mean? I'm not even moving."

He rolled his eyes. "You were resting your chin on your hand earlier, and now you aren't. I was about to work on the little details, like the way your fingers were just resting on your cheek, but you moved and ruined it."

"I didn't even know you were drawing me!" I lied, laughing a little.

"Yeah, and I'm straight." He laughed too. "Now, turn your pretty little face back over to the window so I can finish my drawing. Okay honey?"


We sat in silence like that for a while. I was still looking out the window while Gerard focused on his drawing. The only sounds that filled the room was his pencil gliding across the paper, and the little frustrated sounds he'd make when he got 'the lines wrong'. For once in my life, I didn't mind the quiet, or the soundless void between Gerard and I. I was okay with wasting my time away with him; I was growing older as the minutes were passing by turning to hours, while Gerard stayed the same, as he'd always be. And somehow, right now that was okay.

"Can I ask you why you killed her?" I nodded in the direction that Gerard's mom was walking; she stood out by the flower beds with her hands on her hips, simply admiring the work she had just done.

He paused for a moment; his pencil dropped on his sketchbook. "I- I've already told you... I said that I thought she was evil."

"I know," I sighed. "But why did you think she was evil? What was it that pushed you to kill her?"

"Can we not talk about that?

I scrunched my nose up, while adjusting my hand on my chin.

"You're moving again, Frankie."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry."

It was silent again for another couple minutes.

"Well can I ask how you killed her then?"

The pencil dropped again. I was expecting Gerard to just say something, anything. Hell, he could tell me to shut the fuck up, and maybe that would be enough...for now at least. But he remained quiet, and I was still in that fucking stupid position that he wanted me in. So I moved.

I moved my body so I was now facing him, and my arm was incredibly fucking numb. I shook my arm out, trying to rid myself of the pins and needles feeling, and then I just saw how fucking distraught he looked.

"Gerard," I softly whispered. "I'm sorry for asking."

He lifted his eyes up to meet mine; red and watery. "No, no. It's fine, really. I knew you'd ask sooner or later. But I'm just afraid to tell you, I mean... what does it matter anyway? I killed my own mother, Frank!" He whipped his tears away with the heel of his hand, smiling. I couldn't tell if his smile was delirious or not. And that's what really allowed the fear to sink in; not knowing if he had gotten pleasure from murdering his own mother. "I killed my mom." He repeated, smile fading away.

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