Chapter 2- Blood and Cigarettes

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Chapter 2

Blood and Cigarettes

For the remainder of the week, Gerard had been annoyingly interrupting my every day thoughts. I couldn't walk down the art wing in school without being reminded of the way he held his pencil in his hand, curving the lines of the page. I couldn't take out a cigarette without trying to mimick the way he breathed out the nicotine clouded smoke. Nobody smoked like Gerard did though; it was fucking art. It tumbled out from his chapped lips, spiraled up into the air, and over his pretty head. The way he held the cigarette in between his index and middle finger was like how he held his pencil. It was no different; it was simply art.

The week after I met Gerard, was the last week I had of school before Christmas break. It was an understatement to say that I deserved a break from that Hell hole. I was stressed out enough with the crime I'd committed, school work piled up on top of that didn't really help, but I never did my homework anyways, so I guess it didn't really matter.

The bell rang, signalling that lunch had ended. The crowd of students in Belleville high made their way to their next class, breaking off into separate rooms. The next class I had was science, thankfully it was with Pete. I entered the room, noticing how fucking awful it smelled in here, and took a seat next to Pete.

"Hey, shithead! I haven't seen you in almost two weeks." Pete whispered as Mr. Bryar closed the door.

Subtly, I nodded, lazily pulling out a pencil with many of my teeth marks embedded in the wood.

"Were you still dealing with all the Mikey shit?"

I shrugged, avoiding eye contact. "I guess yeah."

Pete was aware that I had been with Mikey when he died, but little did he know that I murdered him. Pete and Mikey had been best friends since they were in pre school, and I only came into the picture when I moved to Belleville when I was in middle school after my father had passed away. Pete and Mikey were always together; you couldn't befriend either of them without the other. I was a fucking monster; not only did I take my best friend away, I took Pete's best friend away, Gerard's brother away, Mrs Vince's foster son away...

Within a couple more hours school ended, and I'd be on Christmas break away from this fucking shit hole once again. I could focus on myself and maybe work on redeeming myself for murdering my best friend... but there wasn't exactly much I really could do if I was honest.

"I miss Mikey." Pete began. We were stood at our lockers collecting our belongings before the break. Pete was still messing around with his lock, trying to get the combination right, but his fingers kept fumbling over the dial.

I cringed. I really didn't want to hear this, I couldn't.

"I wonder what it'd be like if Mikey was alive right now. I wonder if things would still feel this shitty." Pete shrugged, giving up on his lock. "Fuck. Why did it have to be Mikey?"

'Why did it have to be Mikey?' made it sound like 'Why couldn't it be Frank instead?' Which I don't think Pete realized, nonetheless it didn't help with the guilt I had flooding into my lungs, making it harder and harder to breathe. I wondered how long it would take for me to die if I just held my breath.

"Hello? Earth to Frank?" Pete waved his hands in front of my face.

"Huh?" I blinked a couple times, shaking my head.

"Who's that? And why is he waving at you?" Pete nodded towards the general direction that Mikey's locker used to be.

And there he was; Gerard Way. In the same outfit he had on the day that I had met him. He had a backpack messily placed on the ground down between his feet. It appeared that he was cleaning out the books and loose papers from Mikey's locker.

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