Chapter 1

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Marinette Pov:

"Good morning Tiki!"

"Good Morning Marinette, you're in a good mood, did you dream about Adrien?"

"Haha very funny Tiki, I just feel like today is going to be a great day!"

~Marinette gets ready for school, she starts walking to school and see's Lila~

"Never mind Tiki today is not going to be a good day."

I hate Lila, everytime she comes to school, she lies, and then I get in trouble. The last time she showed up I got expelled, and I almost got akumatized (reference to Ladybug, season 3, episode 24.) She's planning something, I know it. Whatever it is, it's not going to be good. When I walked into school everyone looked at me weird, like I was wearing a clown outfit, or like I did something to hurt them. I don't know what it is, maybe I should ask Alya, she knows everything. Speaking of Alya, she just started waling towards me, she looked kinda upset. Right before I could ask her anything she looked at me and started yelling at me.

"Why would you do that?"

I have no idea what she is talking about so I just said: "Do what?"

"Don't play dumb Marinette we all know what you did."

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about Alya."

Lila showed up behind me (I swear she came out of nowhere)

"Marinette stop lying I told everyone the truth, you fought me yesterday."

I was shocked. Why did she say that, why is she trying to turn everyone against she trying to ruin my life on purpose? There were so many question swarming through my mind I zoned out for a minute.

"I-I didn't do anything Lila is lying. I-I wouldn't-"

"Yeah sure Marinette, say whatever lies you want, I'm done being your friend. I'm done being around you."

I was speechless. I couldn't move. My best friend is siding with Lila. Nino was walking over to me...with Adrien. Adrien knows Lila is a liar, maybe he'll believe me...maybe.

"Mari, I-I can't believe you did that to Lila...why?"

"Yeah not cool dude."

I can't believe it, everyone believed her. I-I couldn't move, I wanted to run so bad. I wanted to run away from here, I wanted to cry, I wanted to yell, but I was stuck and everyone was yelling at me for "hurting" Lila.

"Come on Marinette, are you not going to admit what you did to me?"

"But I-I-I didn't do anything. Lila is lying, I swear I would never do anything like that to anyone."

No one believed me. Everyone was leaving. They all believed her, they...they all left me. After everyone left Adrien was still standing there. We stood together in silence for a minute then he finally said something.

"Mari...I...I want to believe you, but...I-I can't...Lila is hurt and...and there is so much evidence that it could have been you...I'm sorry but...but we can't be friends anymore...bye Marinette."

He walked away. I ran to the bathroom, looked around to make sure I was alone. When I was sure it was just me, I started to cry. Everyone left me, my best friend, my best friend's boyfriend...Adrien.....

This is the end of Chapter one of this new story, I will try to post daily, or twice a day, but I make no promises

Akumatized MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now