Getting Back On Track

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I woke up in the guest room in the Avengers Towel. I looked at my body and I saw I had bandages on my thighs, arms and belly from all the hits Henry gave me with the whip. I turned my bead to find Bucky watching me sleep with sleepy eyes. I tried to sit but Bucky stopped me.

"Hey hey y/n take it easy" Bucky said pushing me gently back to bed.

"Ok" I said and rasted my head on the pillow.

"How much time did I slept?" I asked Bucky.

"Almost a day, I mean since we got back in noon until now." Bucky said getting a chair to sit next to me.

"really? What time is it? I asked and Bucky sat next to me.

"It's 17:35" Bucky said looking at the clock on the wall with the chair I his hands.

"Bucky thats not 'almost a day' thats a day and a half."

We both laughed until my stomach started hurting so I stopped laughing.

"Did you get something to eat Bucky?" Iasked and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you really worrying about me while you were kidnapped almost 2 days ago?"

"I know you Bucky, you don't eat when you're nervous..or angry" I said and looked at him"Do you want to bring that wheelchair over their 'I pointed on the wheelchair next to the door' and we can go eat together downstairs. 

"Smart." Bucky said and went to take the chair, I giggled a bit.

"Ummm Bucky" I said and he turned around. "I don't have a shirt on" and giggled nervously. I only had my sports bra and short baggie pants.

"Oh yeah uhmm..I think I have a shirt in my locker, you want me to go get it for you?" 

"Yes go get it." I said and he left the room.

I tried to stand up and sit on the chair and wait for Bucky but at the minute I stood up my legs went week, I tried to grab the wheelchair to prevent me from falling but the chair was too far away and I dropped to the floor. I grunted in pain, I felt like my stiches opened again so I checked and for my luck I was wrong.

Bucky got to the room and started panicking when he saw me on the floor, he dropped the shirt from his hands and run to help me stand up.

"Hey Bucky it's ok I'm fine don't worry" I said trying to calm him but it didn't work.

"No no no shut it y/n and let me help you" he said and grabbed me and picked me up bride style and placed me on the wheelchair.

Bucky kneeled before me and asked me-"Are you ok? Does it hurt?".

"No, it doesn't, thank you Bucky" I said and looked down and played with my hands.

"Bucky tilted my chin up with his thumb to face him "Hey, don't do that, don't be embarrassed, that's why friends are for." And smiled, Bucky doesn't like touch to much, so doing this nust be hard for him..

"Thanks Buck." I said and smiled at him.

Bucky stood up and went behind md to drove me to the elevator since the stairs aren't a good idea. We got in the elevator and Bucky pressed 3 which is the floor of the living room. We got in the living room and we saw that everyone were there. Tony, Pepper and Bruce were on the couch talking. Nat and Steve were in the bar, Sam was sitting next to the table, he was talking to Clint and Wanda while they were cooking. 

"Hello there you two, how are you doing y/n?" Pepper asked us and got up.

"I'm fine thanks for asking, we were just coming down to eat something." I said and Wanda came to me.

"Well then you came just in time, I just finished cooking.." Wanda said and was cut off by Clint clearing his throat. "I mean..WE just finished cooking" and a grin appeared on Clint's face.

"Ok great". I said smiling at Bucky that stood behind me.

Everyone went to table. "Bucky can you help me walk to the table so the wheelchair won't disturb?" I asked Bucky.

"Ok sure" he got me a little bit closer to the table and helped me get to my chair and sat beside me.

"Ok so for today we are having potatoes, chicken and pasta with cheese, sweet potatoes and mashrooms. Enjoy everyone." Wanda said and went back to the kitchen and came back with 2 plates with the same food she just brought. "I thought you would want the pasta y/n, and here you go Bucky, chicken and potatoes." We thanked her and started eating.

We had a normal talk..well... they talked and me and Bucky had our own talk...

"How is the food y/n?" Bucky asked me quietly.

"It's great" I replied taking a bite from the pasta.

"I'm just saying..your food is better." Bucky said with a smirk and took a slice of potato to his mouth.

I giggled a bit. "Thanks, but Wanda's food is good too" he shook his head with agreement and we continued eating.

"Just..don't try to do anything yourself until you will be fully cured, ok? And I will come and sleep at your apartment, to help you with anything you need." Bucky said and looked at me.

"Ok..wait sleep at my apartment? It's so small..Where would you sleep?" I said nervously.

"Don't worry about it...I will even sleep on the floor or on a chair..I just want to make sure you'r ok.." He said and reached his hand to move the hair from my face but he returned it and continued eating, I don't know why..

"Thanks Bucky, I appreciate it" I said and looked at him eating I snapped away from the trans I was in by Tony.

"Hey y/n can I talk to you when you finish eating?" Tony asked and got up his chair and left the living room.

"Oh yeah, actually I'm already done. I will come now" I got up and went to my wheelchair, Bucky helped me even tho I didn't need help but I let him.

Tony came and took me to his office.

"Ok y/n I have something to tell you and I didn't want to open it in the middle of dinner.

"What is it Tony?" I asked anxious.

"It's Henry..he succeeded to escape" Tony said.

"What do you mean he escaped??" I said raising my voice a bit.

"I don't know.. I got a call before dinner from Happy, he said that Henry escaped and killed 3 gurdes while doing it.."

"What are we going to do? What am I going to do?"

"We will put guards in your apartment and.." I cut him off.

"No need to, I have Bucky..'I sighed' Just promise me you will find him..ok?" I said looking down at my hands.

"Of course Y/n." Tony said and got up.

I don't know what to do but if Henry even TRY to touch me... Waiting for him a hell of a surprise.

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