Chapter 18

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After Ross and I woke up right at the sunrise, we walked over to his motorcycle which was parked a few miles away from the old shack of Greg's and we rode off home.

. . .

Right as we got home Ross went into my room. I follow him confused and see him packing things in my tiny suitcase.
"Ross. What are you doing?" I ask him.
"We have to leave" he says continuing to pack my stuff.
"Why though?"
Ross looks at me and holds both my hands looking into my eyes deeply. He lets go one of my hands and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and holds that hand again.
"What's up? You're kind of scaring me" I admit to him.
"Laura there's no easy way to say this but...." Ross stops.
"Tell me Ross, I can handle it" I say to him.
"You're in danger" he tells me straight away, not holding back anything.
"What are you talking about? In danger? Huh?" I say totally confused.
"You're dad was a the owner of a big company till he got in jail and all. He also owed a lot of money to some people and they're trying to get that money from your dad now that he's out. Your dad won't pay them back though"
"Why?" I ask.
"He told me that they didn't deserve it. He said that he didn't want to waste his money on some lousy people" he shrugs.
"Anyways, people will threaten your dad with you. They'll kidnap you or hurt you till your dad gives them the money. You're in danger and that's why your dad sent me to protect you" he adds on.
"B-But this doesn't make sense. You're talking about Lucas Marano. Kind hearted person who doesn't want any trouble. That guy?"
Ross nods. "I know it sounds crazy but it's true"
"No, I believe you I just don't understand why my dad wouldn't tell me this"
He just doesn't want you to get so overwhelmed and all. He was just trying to protect you"
I just walked past Ross and sat at the edge of my bed taking this all in. Ross sat next to me.
"Don't get mad at your dad Laur, he didn't want to tell you but I just thought it was the right time to tell you about it. I'm sorry"
I shook my head. "Don't say sorry, it's not your fault and don't worry, I'm not blaming my dad on this. I'm not mad really, I'm just trying to take this all in right now. It's just quite a bit" I tell him.
He nods his head and grabs the closet hand to him holding it in both of his hands and rubs the back of my hand with his thumb letting me know that he's here with me. I look at him.
"I love you" I say.
He smiles little at me. "I love you too"
We share a kiss savouring each other's lips for a bit till Ross pulls away and starts packing our things again. I just let him be and start making us some breakfast. I should check on the inbox of voice mails first. I walk over to the living room and listen to all of the voice mails deleting the non important ones till one caught my attention.
"Hello. This is Dr. Scott currently for Lucas Marano" says the speaker.
What is this?
"This message is for Laura Marano or any other family member. We inform you that Lucas Marano is right now at the hospital trying to live from a gunshot wound to the chest. We're doing the best we can but we have thoughts that he won't be able to make it through this incident. Please get here as soon as you get this message so you can say your goodbyes to him, there isn't much time. Thank you and we're very sorry" that was the end of the message.
Tears were falling down my pale cheeks right now. My dad is dying, I won't be able to spend much time with him than other girls will. My dad isn't gonna walk me down the aisle of my wedding. He won't be a grandfather because he won't be there, he won't be able to enjoy life like he wanted too. He won't be able to do anything after this. All I know is that we got to get to the hospital, fast.
"R-Ross!" I stutter.
Couple seconds Ross is walking over to me.
"What's wrong baby?" Ross ask wiping my tears away.
"I-It's my dad. H-He got shot" I manage to speak through the hurt in me.
"Laura I'm so sorry"
He goes for a hug but I stop him.
"No time Ross. We got to go" I remind him.
He nods and we dash out of the house to Ross's motorcycle riding to the hospital. I hope I'll be able to see dad before he's gone forever. Just one last moment of daughter and father. My very last moment with him.

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