Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

My name is Katherine Rhodes. My friends call me Katy. Yesterday was my 16th birthday and my parents say I'm finally old enough to start babysitting. Tonight I'm supposed to babysit my mom's friend's child, Hunter. He's four years old and the most adorable kid ever.

"Katherine!" My mom suddenly calls from downstairs, interrupting my thoughts. "It's almost six thirty. Are you ready?"

"Yes" I reply as I stuff my diary into my purse. I quickly slip on my tall brown boots before heading downstairs.

"Come on. She expects us to be there in ten minutes" my mom tells me.

I grab my keys and head out the door with my mom behind me. As we get into the car my mom gets into the passenger seat and I turn on the radio.

The ride there is mostly silent. We talk for a few minutes until my mom gestures towards the left.

"It's this one." She says pointing to a large brick house with a wrap around porch. I pull into the driveway and click off the engine once I park the car.

I get out the car and walk along the sidewalk that leads me to the front door. Only a few seconds after I knock, my mom's friend Jen answers the door. She greets me with a warm smile and motions me inside. I slip off my boots before I walk in and leave them by the door.

The inside of the house is huge. The walls are a light beige color and the floor is shiny hard wood. I examine the house while my mom talks to Jen and begin to walk around.

A high pitched shout comes from upstairs and Hunter comes into view. He runs down the stairs and looks at me with a cheeky grin.

When he gets to the bottom of the staircase he rushes over to me and hugs my legs.

"Hi!" He says gleefully. His cheeks are extremely rosy and his eyes are innocent.

"Hi Hunter" I say as I ruffle his brown hair.

Jen and my mom talk for a few minutes before looking over at me and Hunter.

"We should get going" Jen says.

"Yeah" my mom agrees.

They say goodbye to me and Hunter before heading out the door.

"Bye" I wave and close the door.

Hunter stands in the middle of the room with his thumb in his mouth and his finger on his belly button.

He stares at me for a while before speaking.

"Can we play hide-n-seek?" He asks.

"Sure" I smile. "I'll count you go hide."

I walk over to the nearest wall and lay my head on it as I begin to count.

"Ready or not here I come!" I yell after counting to twenty. I slowly walk towards the living room, checking every possible hiding spot he could be in. I check behind the couch, in the cabinet, behind the curtain, and near the TV, but he is nowhere to be found.

After about five minutes of looking I head upstairs. I check under the bed, but he isn't there.

After about ten minutes of searching I sigh, giving in.

"Okay Hunter, I give up. Where are you?" I say. I wait a few seconds, but there's no response.

"Hunter?" I say, starting to feel worried. Don't panic, I tell myself.

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