Chapter 3

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After I pull away from the hug I sit back and watch as Hunter lays down on my lap.

"I'm scared" he says.

"There's nothing to be worried about. We'll be fine." I try everything to help him stay calm.

He lays his head down and closes his eyes but quickly opens them back up when we come to an abrupt stop.

My body flies towards the wall and I hit my arm against it. I grab my arm in agony and bite my lip to hold back the screams and tears that are building up inside me.

"Are you okay?" Hunter asks worriedly.

"Yeah" I reply.

The car engine shuts off and I hear the man get out of the car and walk away from us. Faint voices are heard in the distance and soon I hear the man coming this way. I hear the keys again and he pops open the trunk. Hunter scurries to the back of the trunk and whimpers in fear.

The man rolls his eyes as he carelessly grabs us both and throws us down on to the ground.

"Come on" he spits as he grabs my arm and pulls it. Hunter stands to his feet and watches me stand up with his thumb in his mouth. His legs are shaking and his cheeks are still red from the tears.

The man drags us for a while until we end up in front of a house. I watch him pull a set of keys out of his pocket and unlock the door with a click before opening it. He pushes us in and I immediately get a bad vibe. A strong metallic scent fills my nose and I see Hunter scrunch his nose in clear disgust. Cobwebs fill the corners of the rooms and the floorboards creak beneath our feet.

We walk along the house for a few minutes before the man opens up a door and gestures inside. It is a large spiral staircase with stone walls. He pushes us inside and closes the door. Hunter begins to whimper and I feel my way around for any source of light. Finally, I find a light switch and flick it on. A string of lights descends down the spiral staircase and each of them flicker on. Hunter and I make my way down and it only takes a few seconds until we make it to the bottom.

The room is large but there are many things about it that horrify me. My eyes widen in fear and I stare at the room in dismay before quickly covering Hunter's eyes. The walls are a light blue color with blood splattered along every inch and a small pink bed in the corner with blood soaked sheets. There is a small vanity closet on the far end of the room but I dare not to open. Who knows what could be in there. A dead body?! Weapons?! I swallow a lump in my throat and pick up Hunter. He buries his face into my shoulder but he keeps calm. He has been a lot calmer than I expected him to be.

After I hold him for a few minutes I begin to realize something. All my life I've need stalked by someone I don't even know. And now I've been stolen. Everything has been happening so fast that I haven't had time to really process it all. Tears rush down my cheeks as I set Hunter down on the floor. I hear the door creak open followed by footsteps. A person reaches the bottom of the stone staircase and grins at us. But this is not the man that kidnapped us. It's somebody else.

He wears a white lab coat, just like in my dream. His eyes are light blue and the whites of his eyes are yellowing. His smile is bone chilling.

I push Hunter behind me and hold his arm. The man just snickers and takes a step towards me. There are all sorts of tools hanging on his sides, and I flashback to my dream. He has a hand behind his back and a rag in the other.

I step back and Hunter runs to the back of the room and gulps in fear. I look back at him and he covers his eyes with his hands and takes a deep breath. I hear a crash and rapidly whip my head around. I look down and see a bottle of chloroform lying on the floor. The liquid pours out of the bottle and leaves a large puddle on the ground.

The man is now holding a soaking rag. He rings it out making it only damp. He makes a sudden movement and jumps at me attempting to stuff the rag in my mouth. I gasp as I jump back and Hunter runs to the other end of the wall and crouches down behind a large wooden desk. The man comes forward and grabs my arms so I don't have the ability to fight back. I twist and turn and do anything I can to escape his grip.

"Get off me!" I spit.

He tightens his grip and twists my arm back leaving me in excruciating pain. I scream in agony but he doesn't stop.

Hunter lets out a shriek and quickly runs over to us. He kicks at the man's legs with all his might causing him to loosen his grip. I squirm out of his grasp and grab the man's hands and twists his wrist. He shoots me a glare and attempts to pull away, but I use all my strength to keep him captive.

I stare dead into his eyes and narrow them before speaking.

"Let us go" I say through my teeth.

"Hah. Not a chance" he says dryly.

I look down and an idea suddenly pops into my head. I force my leg back and kick the man in the shin leaving him on the floor, cringing in pain. This is my chance.

I grab Hunter's arm and we bolt away from the man. There is a large door on the left side so we sprint towards it. I fumble around with the doorknob before realizing it's locked. I twist and pull at it, before finally giving up. My heart rate accelerates quickly as the man stands up. He stares at me and narrows his eyes into slits. I look left and right before throwing Hunter on my back and making a run for it.

I run at the man in a zig-zag motion and dash past him. I let out a sigh of relief, but I don't stop. Once I reach the steps, I rush up them with the man right on my heels. He yells something but I'm too focused on where I'm going to listen. He begins to slow his pace and when I look back he is less than ten feet away from me.

When I reach the top I twist the doorknob, but it doesn't open. I try not to panic but my breathing gets heavier. The man gets closer as I try harder. Finally, I decide to kick at the door. Nothing. The second time makes a dent. The man is now less then four feet away from me and I kick one last time. It busts open and I hastily make my way through and into a large room.

The man that originally took me was sitting on a large black leather couch. I try to ignore him and continue running but I hear him get up from his seat and scream.

"Where do you think you're going?" He shouted. I didn't respond. I had no time to look back. The front door was unlocked so I turned the handle and immediately ran outside. The cool morning air hit my face and I was refreshed. My feet began to move faster and by now I was far ahead of the two men who were after me.

After a few minutes I looked back and they were no longer in sight.

"I think we're safe" Hunter says.

"Yeah." I let out a deep breath.

We walk for a few minutes before a sound catches my attention. I look back and see a black Cadillac driving towards us. The tinted windows prevent me from seeing the person inside. I brush it off and decide to just ignore it. It could be anyone. The hair on my neck begins to stand up and I feel Hunter shift uncomfortably.

"Who is that?" Hunter asks.

"I don't know. Don't worry" I say.

When the car slows down as it nears me I begin to feel slightly worried. It slows it's speed drastically and I walk just a little faster. When it gets right next to me it stays beside me for a few seconds. The window slowly rolls down and I catch a glimpse of the man inside.

I gasp aloud when I see the man with the white lab coat. I scream and try to turn to run but he rips Hunter off my back.

"Let me go!" Hunter yells.

He pulls Hunter inside the car and rolls the window back up. I bang furiously on the window and scream at the top of my lungs.

"Let him go!"

Anger washes over me and I punch and bang at the window doing everything I can to break it. The man inside grins before driving off, leaving me all alone.

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