Chapter 12

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I close my eyes as I hear police sirens blaring in the distance. I keep my eyes closed and relax. It never felt so good to just lay down and escape from all the horror and chaos that was happening.

I was about to drift off into sleep, when suddenly, I hear footsteps pad across the sand. My eyes shoot open and I sit up, half expecting to see the man before realizing I killed him. My eyes come into focus and a group of police men, firefighters, and paramedics cor rushing towards us.

I stare at them with blank expressions on my face as a few of them kneel down beside me and Hunter while the rest of them form a semicircle around us.

"Are you okay?" a man asks me as he helps me to my feet.

I only nod, too in shock to speak. He picks me up easily, with his broad muscular arms, and carries me up the muddy hill bridal style. Behind me, a firefighter is holding Hunter the same way. I bury my face into the man's vest and let the tears pour out.

He sets me down beside a car when we get on top of the hill. He opens up the door and motions me inside. I slide in, shortly followed by Hunter. I sit crammed in the side and stare out the window as Hunter lays his head on my lap. I can feel tears lightly fall onto my jeans and Hunter looks up at me.

I lean my head against the window and close my eyes as I listen to the soft pitter patter of the starting rain on the window. Dark and ominous clouds hang overhead and I can tell a storm is coming.

The rain quickly goes from a light drizzle to pouring. The men outside all rush to the cars and trucks while some of them pull out umbrellas. I hear the car door open and someone climbs into the driver's seat, followed by a woman climbing into the passenger seat. The man turns around and flashes me a warm smile before turning back around and turning the key in the ignition.

The engine roars to life and we turn onto the road. I close my eyes and listen to the sound of the tires hissing along the wet pavement.

I look out the window, when suddenly a loud noise and a honk catches my attention. I put my attention on the road and my heart skips a beat. In the front window, I see a large truck dead ahead, headlights shining, coming straight at us.

I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my teeth, waiting for the impact. The truck veers to the left, but doesn't act fast enough and slams right into us. I feel my stomach drop as we flip into the air.


I take a deep breath as I jolt awake and sit up. Sweat pours down my back causing my shirt to stick to my skin.

Another dream? I'm sick of these!

I sigh as I begin to look around the room. Across the room I see the familiar moonlit window. I slowly stand up and begin to walk over it. I rest my elbows on the windowsill and stare out the window. Down below I see a cluster of trees swaying in the wind and an occasional car that passes by every few minutes.

My fingers grip on to the windowsill and I use all my strength to lift it up. It squeaks as it raises up inch by inch. My eyes light up and I sigh in relief. How stupid could they be? They could've at least locked it, I chuckle, shaking my head. The cool air suddenly rushes in causing the curtains to flutter inwards and I shiver.

I take a deep breath as I carefully climb out the window making sure not to make any sudden movements or loud sounds that would result in me getting caught. I swing my leg over followed by my other leg and land on the roof. I get down onto my hands and knees and crawl along the roof.

The closer I get to the window, the narrower the rooftop becomes. I bend down when I approach the window and try to keep my balance on the narrow strip. I make it halfway across when suddenly, my foot looses grip and I slip. I gasp as I lose my grasp on the roof and fall into a bush below.

I lay there, aching in pain, hoping nobody noticed. Just as I thought I was safe, I hear the door hinges squeak and I look up to see the door opening. As soon as the door opens, the screams that are held inside fill the air. I cringe at the sound of them and watch as a man walks out on to the porch and closes the door behind him. He glances in my direction and I hold my breath and quickly duck down. I hear him sigh and he shrugs before walking back inside.
Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating a lot lately and my updates aren't as good, but I've been really busy with school and I haven't had a lot of time to update. Anyways, I wanted to say that in my story the same thing has been happening a lot, so if you have any suggestions or ideas then please feel free to suggest them in the comments or message me. Vote and comment for more! :) ilysm❤️ -Sam

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