Chapter 7

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Tears fill my waterline and I bite my lip to hold them back. I close my eyes and listen as I hear the door creak and I clench my fists. I slowly open my eyes and they dart to the door. The man stands in the doorway with a blank expression on his face. He walks over towards me, his heavy boots clicking along the way.

When he reaches the table beside me he stops. I slow my breathing and concentrate on his every move. What is he going to do?

Just as I expected, he reaches for the needle. Needles are definitely one of my worst fears. He takes the needle in one hand and grabs my arm with his other hand. The cool rubber of his glove touches my skin shooting tingles through my spine. I take a deep breath and try to take my mind off of the pain that I am going to experience, but it doesn't work. My heart begins to race and it pounds forcefully against my chest.

The needle gets closer inch by inch before injecting into my arm. I clench my teeth to hold back my screams of pain and a single tear rolls down my cheek. After a few seconds he pulls the needle out and lays it back on to the tray. He grabs a small square shaped device and applies it where he injected the needle. He pulls it off when there is a single drop of blood on it. After examining it he inserts it into a small glass container and lays it on the table.

I furrow my eyebrows at his actions. Why did he do that? As if on cue, a large screen that I didn't notice before turns on. It displays a map, and below it says my name.

It reads: Katherine Rhodes. #452.

On the top of the screen it said "Tracking Device: Loading..."

I watched as the three dots continuously moved before it changed. It now read "Tracking Device: Set."

I stared at it in dismay. It took a few seconds before my mind could process everything. Did he really just inject a tracking device into me? Now I'll never be able to escape.

I look up and the screen clicks off. The room falls silent and I listen as the man walks over to me. He unstraps the leather straps that hold me captive and I wiggle my wrist around in freedom. A large red rash surrounds my wrists.

"Come on" he spits as he grabs my arm and jerks me on to the floor. I wince in pain as I slowly stand to my feet and follow him out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I hesitate to speak, afraid of his response.

"Keep your mouth shut and follow me" he snaps.

I keep my eyes on my white converse and they've suddenly become the most interesting thing in the world. I dare not to look up afraid of what I might see.

We walk down a long hallway for a few minutes and take a few turns. We pass several rooms along the way and I hear bone chilling screams in every single one. My heart begins to race as we near the end of the hall. The man stops in front of a door and unlocks it with a click before opening it and pushing me in.

The room is completely dark and I look around for a while before feeling a cold hand on my shoulder. I whip around and see a silhouette of the man.

"Where are we?" I squeak. I'm still afraid of his response but I'm desperate to know. He doesn't answer. Instead, I hear him fumble around with something before another screen clicks on. The screen emits just enough light for me to see around. It displays a picture of me and below it says:

"Katherine Rhodes: Worst Fear: ..."

Next to the words worst fear, there are other words that are scrolling through. It scrolls for a few more seconds before stopping. It now says:

"Worst Fear: Spiders.

It was one of my worst fears. I despised spiders. Suddenly, the screen clicks off and I hear the man walk up behind me. The lights flicker on and I squint my eyes to the unaccustomed brightness. It only takes a few seconds before I am able to see again. I look around and examine the room. The room is small and the walls are made of stone. Behind me, there is a large wooden table with a chair at the end.

The man grabs me and forces me to sit down in the chair. I reluctantly sit and he straps my arms and legs with leather straps. He pulls them tightly and I shift uncomfortably, only able to move a few inches from the tightness of the straps. I watch his as he places a small glass container in the middle of the table. I watch intently before realizing what's inside. Spiders fill the container and they crawl around finding any way to escape. My heart skips a beat and I furiously fight at the straps.

"No please don't do this!" I plead.

He smirks before lifting the top off and setting them free. They quickly squirm around and make their way towards me. I scream, but decide to keep my mouth shut. I feel the tiny legs as they crawl up me and I begin to shake uncontrollably. I hear the man exit the room leaving me here alone with my worst nightmare.
Hey guys! Yeah, this chapter is kind of weird but I have a big imagination so this story may be kind of imaginative. And btw, you should go follow my two best friends @kaitlynlauren1990 and @bcarr1031 they are both currently writing books and they are amazing so I suggest you go check them out. And, if you like my book then I definitely recommend House of Horrors. That book is what inspired me for this book so if you like horror/mystery then you should read it. If you don't know where to find it, it's in my reading list. cx Anyways, I hope you like my story and please vote and comment for more it helps a lot :) ilysm

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