Chapter 20 (Final Chapter)

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I climb into the car and concentrate on anything to get my mind off of the chaos. I thought back to Hunter, being the rambunctious kid that ran around, like a little ball of energy. I missed him more than I could imagine. A sinking feeling came to my stomach as I finally realized what was happening. This was all real.

I close my eyes and felt sleep taking over me, but it felt funny. I couldn't fall asleep, though I was sure I was asleep. My eyes were sealed shut.

"Katy," I hear a faint voice whisper.

Sounds and voices fill my ears.

"Katy," the voice whispers again, barely audible over the overpowering sounds that rang in my ear. I felt a cold, gentle hand touch my forehead. My arms moved without me thinking, swatting at the mysterious hands.

"It's okay," the soothing voice told me. The sounds gradually became quieter and I could now hear the strange voice.

"Who are you," I choke out. I was shocked at my voice, it sounded different, as if I was a completely different person.

"You can open your eyes now." The gentle hand was released from my forehead and I slowly open my eyes. A familiar room comes into view, but I'm sure that I've never seen it before. But how do I know it so well if I've never even been here? The walls were white, and there was a desk on the far end of the wall. I feel an uncomfortable fabric beneath me, and realize that I am on some sort of a dentist chair. Thoughts and questions crowd my mind as I look around.

"Where am I?" I ask.

A woman stands in the corner of the room as she applies a pair of latex gloves. She wears a white dress, along with a matching hat; seeming to be a nurse.

"Don't worry sweetie," she says as she places her hand back on my forehead. This time I only feel the cold rubber feeling from her gloves. She tugs carefully on something and I watch in dismay as she removes a small, round metal object from my forehead. There seems to be several of them dotting my forehead. All of them are attached by a wire which is hooked up to a machine.

"What is all this?" I ask. "If you don't mind me asking."

She removes the last piece of metal and places it on the tray. "This is a simulation," she explains. "Everything you just experienced was part of the simulation that is required once you turn 16. It determines your future." I listen to her words carefully, and furrow my brows.

"How come I don't remember anything about it before this... simulation thing," I ask, obviously confused. She purses her lips before speaking.

"It's a common effect," she says. "Most people get it. It's nothing to worry about."

"So," I began. "All this was just part of a simulation. Everything I just experienced wasn't real?"

She nods. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"What was the simulation for?" I ask.

"It's for your fears. Trying to get passed them for the future. Yours was fear of loss, and fear of being taken, or having someone else feel the loss of you."

I cock my head to the side and the corner of my mouth twitches. I part my lips to say something, but decide against it.

I stand up from my chair after she tells me I can leave. Before I exit, I grab my purse. I pick it up and sling it over my shoulder, but feel something fall to the ground. My diary.

The pages are opened up to one of the pages. I bent down to pick it up, and read the first line; dated May 1st. It seemed like years ago, though I was only under the simulation for less then an hour. I flipped to the last entry and read it:

Dear diary,

My name is Katherine Rhodes...

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