Chapter 2

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I jolt awake and quickly sit up causing me to hit my head on something. I wince in pain as I grab my head. Beads of sweat trickle down my forehead and my hot clothes stick to my skin. Wherever I am, it is extremely cramped and tiny. My heart begins to race and I feel claustrophobic. I look down beside me and see Hunter lying still with his eyes closed. Is he dead? I can't process everything that's happening right now. It's all happening in a blur.

Hunter's eyes shoot open and he looks around and begins to hyperventilate. He buries his face into my arm and I can feel my shirt being soaked by his tears.

"Where are we?" Hunter says in between sobs.

"I don't know." I'm on the verge of crying but I know I can't break down in front of Hunter. I have to stay strong.

"Everything will be fine" I assure him as I hold his head and begin to rub his back. Not even I know that for sure. I hope it's true.

I suddenly remember my phone. I quickly pull my phone out of my pocket and dial 911. They immediately answer and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Hello this is 911 what is your emergency" a woman says.

"Umm... I. We've just" I stutter. "We've just been kidnapped" I say. I never knew I would've ever had to say those words.

"Okay. Don't worry we have a tracking device set on your phone. We will find you" she says. Her soothing voice keeps me calm. "Do you know where you are?"

"Uh.. Yeah I think we're in a trunk but I'm not certain."

"I'm scared" Hunter suddenly whimpers.

"Don't worry we will find both of you. Just stay on the phone." the woman says.

"Okay." I say, panic evident in my voice. Hot tears begin to rush down my cheeks and I hurriedly wipe them away. Crying in front of Hunter will just make things worse.

Suddenly, the car takes a sharp turn causing both of our bodies to go flying against the wall and I drop my phone. The car comes to an abrupt halt and I fall back onto the floor. I wince in pain as I grab my arm. Hunter's cheeks are stained from tears and his eyes are glossy. I hear the car door slam followed by footsteps. My heart feels as if it's about to burst out of my chest.

The footsteps then stop and I hear the man fumble with a pair of keys before opening the trunk. The blinding light is overbearingly bright, and it causes me to squint. Once my eyes adjust to the lighting I see the man standing over us with a look of anger on his face. His eyebrows are furrowed together and his whole face is red. I stare at him with a shocked expression on my face.

After a few seconds he spoke.

"What do you think you are doing?!" He is now looking at the phone in my hands. He promptly snapped it out of my hands and chucked it on to the ground. My heart dropped as it shattered.

"No!" I scream.

Without a word he stomped on it and it broke into pieces. My eyes widened in horror. Hunter sat in the corner with his thumb in his mouth and tears streaming down his face.

The man glared at me before slamming the trunk and getting back in the car. The engine roared to life and we were back on the road.

Now what? How can we get through this? Who will come to save us? Nobody knows we're in this car on the way to our death. All the cars around us are clueless of the fact that we're being kidnapped. I never took this subject seriously as a kid because I never knew I would actually experience it. It was such a rare thing to see or even hear about. I rest my head in my hands and a single tear rolls down my cheek. I can't stop them now. I sniffle as I wipe my tears away with my shirt.

Hunter is still in the corner with his head resting on his knees and his thumb in his mouth. He is shaking uncontrollably and I feel more worried about him than myself. I scoot over to where he sits and hold him close to me.

"Everything will be okay" I assure him. He looks up at me with innocence in his eyes and takes his thumb out of his mouth to hug me.

My already damp shirt is now soaked. I can't help but cry. The tears are now streaming like a waterfall.

I pull away and look down to see Hunter asleep. I force a smile through all this pain and feel my eyelids getting heavy. I lay down next to Hunter and soon sleep takes over my body.


My eyes shot open and I was now in a different room. My hands and legs were shaking and I noticed I was strapped down to a table. When I turned my head I saw Hunter lying on another table. He was also strapped down. I began to stare at him for a while and started to see a pool of blood forming beneath his head and a horrified expression was struck on my face. I began thrashing at the straps that held me down.

"Hunter!" I screamed. I clenched my teeth together and continued to pull and thrash at the straps. He lay there, lifeless and still. I knew by now he was gone. Tears filled my waterline and this time I didn't fight to hold them back.

"Hunter" I said in an almost whisper. Of course, there was no response.

I heard faint voices in the distance and then saw the door swing open.

"How could you!" I screamed. "Why?! What kind of sick person would do this?!"

The man slowly walked towards me. He was wearing a white lab coat with all sorts of tools hanging in the pockets.

"Why not?" He said as he applied his latex gloves on to his hands.

"You're sick" I said between my teeth.

"I know, yes. Thank you" he said. His voice sent chills down my spine. Beside me was a small wooden desk with a metal tray filled with sharp tools. He picked one up and took a step towards me.

I rolled my eyes. I honestly didn't care anymore. I can't believe he killed Hunter. Who would do such a thing? My eyes began to water and I felt tears roll down my cheeks.

He took another step towards me and stood above me with a needle. My worst fear. I began to fidget around and squeezed my eyes shut as he slammed the needle into my arm. But I felt no pain.

My eyes flew open and I was beyond relieved to be back in the trunk. It was just a dream. My back ached and my whole body was shaking and sweaty. I turned to see Hunter awake and quickly brought him in for a hug.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just glad to see you." I was so relieved to see him and ecstatic to know he's still alive.

"I love you Katy" Hunter says after a long pause.

"I love you too" I smile and hug him tighter.

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