a typical morning

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Authors note

Sorry it has been so long since I updated this I had my son 7 months ago and have not had time to update , mostly because I haven't been in littlespace which gives me most my ideas for this. Hope you enjoy please leave suggestions as it makes writing easier for me x

Sally's POV

I woke up to Olivia sitting on top of me.

"Mama up" she whined, bouncing on me, I pulled her down and wrapped my arms around her .

"Good morning baby" I whispered into her hair. To which she squirmed and whined, which is very unlike her. I ran my hands down her back until I got to her diaper, that's when I realised she was so unsettled because she was wet.

I flipped her over so she was lying on her back causing her to giggle.

"Let's get you out of this hmmm" I told her, this caused her to look away and blush. "Don't be embarrassed baby, it's okay for little girls like you to have accidents" I said as I got removed the diaper before standing up to go and run her a bath.

I went into the bathroom and turned on the water making sure to add lots of bubbles for my baby, when I went back into the bedroom Olivia was sitting up against the headboard sitting and playing with my fur coat, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself because of how much she loved the thing.

I quickly rang room service to bring us breakfast for when we were bathed and ready, telling them to leave It outside, before walking over to the bed. I went to take the coat of the small girl but she snatched it back and whined.

"Oh so my baby doesn't want to take a bath with extra bubbles?" I teased.

"Bubbles?" She asked, tilting her head to the side like a little puppy.

"Mhmm lots and lots of bubbles" I replied.

I saw the excitement spark in her eyes as she jumped up and clung to me.

"Me wan bubbles mama!" she exclaimed, causing me to laugh and walk towards the bathroom.


Once I had bathed her and dressed her in a cute little dress and knee high socks I put her on the chair near my desk and went to get the food from outside the door, I had ordered her a mix of everything, pancakes, toast ,cereal , eggs and bacon as I didn't know what she liked most, also price was not an issue.

Going back inside I played the tray on the desk , noticing that Olivia was drawing on the little notepad that was kept there , the squiggles highlighting how young her headspace was.

"That's a good drawing babygirl" I told her, leaning over and kissing her head. She just chuckled in response and nodded her head. I made note to start setting up her new things later as I remembered the colouring things and crafts  I had ordered.

I filled one of her new sippies with orange juice and cut up a mix of foods on a plate before putting it infront of her, before going and getting my own food. I sat down on the armchair near the desk and looked at my baby , she had taken no notice of the cutlery at all and was using her hands. She looked so happy so I just let her do her thing, once again making note of the bibs and highchair in boxes downstairs waiting. I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed, although I loved my room and it had been my sanctuary since as long as I can remember, it was one of the smallest types of rooms in this hotel. Now that I had Olivia and all her new things I was not sure where I was going to put everything and I wished I had room for a playpen and a table so we could eat together.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my baby whining and making grabby hands I stood up and put my plate on the desk before picking her up and sitting her on the bed.

"Why don't we go downstairs and unbox some of your new toys hmm?" I asked , grabbing her shoes and some wipes.

"Oooo yes pwease mama" she said and did the cutest little excited wiggle I've ever seen.

I put her mary janes on for her before wiping her hands and face much to her dismay before picking her up and exciting the room.

Stepping out the elevator and walking into the spare storage room behind the desk that we usually keep luggage and parcels in, I laughed at the large amount of parcels sitting there , the countess must have spoiled her as much I had, I put Olivia down on the floor where she crawled over to some boxes.

"Toy mama"

"Two seconds baby" I told her "mama will find you a toy".

I opened up a box from a toyshop where I found some toy cars that should keep her occupied for now, before picking her up and going to the desk where Liz was.

"Hey could you watch her for a bit while I sort the boxes?" I asked.

"Sure, it's a slow day anyways " she replied, smiling at Olivia before going back to her book.

I put her on the floor infront of the desk where she began playing with the cars making car noises.

"Mama will be right back baby , stay here with liz and don't go anywhere". I told her lifting her chin so she was looking in my eyes.

"Otay mama" she said going back to playing with her cars.


Olivia's pov

I had been playing with my cars for ages making them go as fast as I could up and down the lobby, it was fun but I was bored now and I wanted my mama, also I was wet. Liz was talking to someone who came in looking for a room so I couldn't tell her I wanted my mama.

I was taken out my thoughts when I heard a doggy bark outside, I love doggies and wanted to go and pet it, so I began to crawl towards the main doors and outside towards the dog noise


Oh no what should happen to olivia outside ? It's even worse sally or liz cannot go outside to get her (pretend liz is dead)

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