chapter 4- meeting the countess

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So I accidently wrote 14 pages of this story in my book so will split it up, so there will be another chapter tomorrow

Walking up to Sally's room I felt quite content, the opposite to what I believed I was going to be like. I had been to my room to pack my few belongings as sally waited for me in her room on the upper floor.

quickly leaving my room I bumped straight into somebody sending my Small body crashing to the floor and a whimper to leave my lips.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?" A female voice asked, laced with concern.

I looked up to see a beautiful lady the same one I had seen the previous night at the bar, she had hair as blonde as mine and had a luxurious outfit on.the thing that intrigued me the most was her fascinating  long nails. I was so busy staring I realised i was yet to answer her.

"It's okay, I should've looked where I was going" I told her as she held out her hand to help me up which I gladly accepted.

"I'm the countess, the owner of the hotel" she told me. Weird name

"Olivia" I replied. She smirked and nodded as if to agree with something.

"So you're Olivia you've been quite the celebrity around here recently " she informed me. I just looked at her confused with my head tilted like a puppy.

"Where you off too little one?"

I froze at her words why does everyone baby here? Do they know?
Deciding I actually didn't care and was enjoying it, I let it go.

"I'm going to Sally's room" I stated to which she curtsied and told me "well I shall accompany you my lady"the action made me Giggle and slip a bit.

"Otay" I laughed beginning to walk but was stopped by a hand grabbing my own. Her hand wasn't as good as Sally's but it was close. I took notice of the large height difference as I skipped along beside her and made our way into the elevator which was luckily on our floor.

"Me getting pizza" I exclaimed , growing a bit more confidence. She gasped in amazement "really!?, My children love pizza you should come and play with them onetime".

"Dey live here?" I asked

"Yeah and they have a games room with lots of candy " she tickled me making me squeal.

The elevator doors opened and we got out. " Now little one Sally's room is number 78, can you see a 7 and an 8" she questioned . I pondered for a moment looking around before spotting my target at the end of the hall.

" Ooo there it is, me found it" I shouted excitedly jumping up and down. Sally must have heard me because she opened her door and stepped out whilst beaming at me  causing me to run to her and jump into her arms. I nestled into her neck breathing in her scent.

"Hello baby" she cooed, kissing the top of my head. I smiled into her skin before looking up at the countess who was now infront of us.

"Thank you for walking with her" Sally thanked her.

" It was my pleasure she's a little doll, I will have to take her shopping sometime so I can dress her up" she replied, reaching to play with me hair.

Sally looked a bit sad at this so I changed the topic " and pway in da games woom" I told her, making Sally gasp at my childish babbling, she was enjoying how much you had regressed.

The countess smiled at me . " Sally can bring you anytime doll, I best get going now" she told us.

"Bye thanks again" Sally muttered as if it was painful for her to be nice.

"Bye bye countie " I waved, causing both of them to laugh.

(AHS) Sally x OC mdlg Where stories live. Discover now