chapter three

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I woke up the next morning at 11am, I was alone and embarrassed at the way I acted last night. I normally do not slip into little space around people but I feel different here, safe almost. I have never felt safe in my life. My stomach rumbled loudly causing me to remember the $10 left in my purse.I got up and sleep out of bed grabbing my my Little pony toothbrush out of my bag and one of my dresses out of the drawers along with some underwear before heading to the bathroom to get ready.

I passed Liz and Iris on my way out of the hotel they were both working at the front desk and checking a group of girls in, so I just smiled at them as I skipped towards the exit.

while I was out I did the reasonable thing of buying candy and a colouring book / crayons with my last money. I was out for a couple of hours looking around the stores and by the time I headed back to the hotel it was 3pm.

"Hi sweetie did you get anything nice ?" Liz asked me whilst gesturing to my bags as I approached the desk in the lobby.

"Breakfast" I chirped holding up a bag of Skittles causing her to laugh. Iris however frowned "you need some pop up food you're practically skin and bones" she stated. I just shrugged I knew I was tiny, around 80 lbs , but my relationship with any food other than sugar with not the best.

"Can I sit in the bar area or is it closed?" I asked.

"Bars closed but seating is open" I was told by liz, I quickly thanked her and darted up the stairs towards the bar. I sat in a booth towards the back where no one could see me, and pulled out my new hello Kitty colouring book and crayons I had bought. I coloured for about 40 minutes whilst shoving Skittles in my mouth. The sugar was kicking in and I couldn't keep still.

I froze upon hearing my new favourite sound from beside me,Sally's voice.

"Hello sweet girl, what you doing?" She asked softly to avoid scaring me as I did not even hear her approach me.

"Nofin" I quietly answered embarrassed. I went to close my colouring book but she had already pulled it closer to her and crouch down to look at it. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

Great she will think I'm a freak what sort of 19 year old colours hello Kitty ?

I sat waiting for the snide remarks but all that came was"now this is a masterpiece. I then felt her sit down next to me and place her hand on mine " what have I told you about hiding your face hmmm?".

I slipped a  little upon hearing her stern tone. "I sowwy" I told her, lifting my head to look into her chocolate orbs. She was so beautiful.

She smirked at my submissiveness before looking at the half empty candy bag. "Do you want some real food baby?"she asked. I felt tears fill my eyes at the question, they Stang like venom as I tried to not let them fall. I was so hungry and hadn't ate a proper meal in days but I had no money and knew deep down I would have to leave soon as I could not afford another night in the hotel . It began to sink in that I would have to spend the night on the la streets and I grew terrified.

"Princess what's wrong?" Sally asked with slight panic in her voice as she took my hand. The question was all I needed for tears to fall and in seconds I was a sobbing mess. I felt her strong hands lift me onto her lap. I buried my face into her neck, soaking her jacket in my tears and breathing in her comforting scent of lavender and cigarettes.

She began to rock me bath and forth and I was instantly comforted, she shushed me while stroaking my hair. After five minutes she asked if I was ready to talk.

"Me has to leave and sleep on da streets and I no wan too and me so hungwy but no can eat " I spoke fast before taking a well needed breath and looking up.

Sally pulled me up so I was sat facing her "why do you have to sleep outside?I don't want you to leave" tears filled her own eyes at this.

"No money" I answered sighing.

"Is that why you can't eat?" I just nodded in response.

"You can stay in my room if you want I live here so have a permanent room and I can get you some food angel"

My face lit up at that "really! Me stay wif Sally!" I shouted causing her to chuckle "how does pizza sound babe?" I just smiled and nodded in response to her and played with her fluffy jacket collar. She placed me on the seat next to her and stood up.

"Stay here and colour whilst I order food and no more candy" she told me before she was gone.

Sally's pov
I walked towards the desk to get Iris to order pizza. I knew she would for olivia, ever since she had stepped foot in this building she had been the topic of conversation. After Iris had took her her to her room she had called a meeting to tell everyone not to hurt her. After hearing about the girl I knew I had to see her, hence the reason I went to the bar last night. I wasn't expecting her to be a little, which was a topic that I discovered once I got my phone. Everyone here knew how much I wanted to be a caregiver so when I had told them about Olivia maybe being little they were excited. That's what I loved about this hotel everyone was so excepting.

I told Iris to order a plain pizza to be on the safe side and she told me she would bring it to my room once it was here.

I walked back to the bar to see Liz was now working and olivia was bouncing up and down talking her ear off

She was so cute.i couldn't wait to make her my baby.

Sorry if this seems thrown together, I have some questions for everyone

1) what other characters do you want to see more of or have Olivia build a relationship with. And is this a good or bad relationship

2) would you like smut in this story? It wouldn't be much

3) what sort of storylines would you like to see

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