regressing further

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Olivia's pov
I stood up once I was outside and looked around trying to spot the doggy but I couldn't find it, I did however spot a store down the road and I was really craving some candy so I began to walk to it, giggling as I tried not to step on the cracks in the pavement.

However just as I was about to walk into the store I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

"And where are you going little girl?" I froze scared at first until I recognised the voice.

"Countie?" I squeaked, still a bit panicky turning around to look.

"Answer my question little girl" she said a bit sterner bending a bit to my height.

"Candy countie" I whined slipping a bit further into my headspace at the thought of being in trouble but I didn't know what I did wrong and my mama was not here.

I teared up, loosing interest in candy all I wanted now was my mama and Baba and I was wet and uncomfortable.

"Shhh, it's okay" the countess cooed reaching to wipe tears awake.

"Wan ma-ma" I wailed, as the countess picked me up. I struggled against her not knowing what to do with myself in the young headspace I had got in.

"Shhh little one, I know you want your mama, let's go see her hmm?" She cooed rubbing my back whilst walking back to the hotel.

Sally's pov

"Where the hell is she Liz ?" I yelled "I asked you to keep an eye on her for 20 fucking minutes!".

I had never felt so scared in my life and I had also never felt so helpless, my baby had gone and since no one here could find her that could only of meant she had left the hotel and I couldn't do anything at all about that. The countess wasn't even home so I couldn't get her to look for olivia and she was the only person I trusted.

Frantic sobs broke me out of my rage, I looked towards the door to see the countess walking in carrying a very distressed Olivia and from the wails it sounded as if she was very very regressed.

I ran over to them and scanned over my baby to make sure she wasn't hurt, grabbing her when she reached for me. She immediately started tugging on my shirt.

"Ma-ma" she cried.

"Oh my babygirl, you're okay mama is here" I soothed her, Patting her bottom only to realise how wet she was.

"Thank you for bringing her back, I need to go and change her" I told the countess excusing myself before Olivia could pull my shirt down Infront of everybody. I quickly went up to our room kicking the door open before laying her on the bed to which she resulted in crying harder.

"Mama just needs to change your diapee my love and then you can have suckies" I told her. Luckily I had already got iris to bring her diapers and clothes and other necessities upstairs earlier.

I made a quick job of changing her and I left her in just a diaper before taking my shirt off knowing she would like the skin to skin contact.

"Okay baby come here" I said picking her up and moving to sit against the headboard. She immediately latched onto my nipple her body calming almost instantly, I sang her one of my songs and played with her hair until she fell asleep in my arms.

Author's note
Sorry it's been so long life has been hectic but I'm back at least I'll try to be ill aim to upload once a week hopefully longer than this chapter, honestly this chapter was kinda rushed because I didnt know where I was going with the leaving the hotel idea 🤣

Would you guys like smut in the next chapter? I've never wrote it before but I feel like it would go good with what I have planned next. Also would u Like kinky smut or soft and vanilla ?

Any story ideas would be great xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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