first night with Sally part 2

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Sally's pov

So I told her everything, about the drug use, how I found this place and that I was dead. To my surprise and joy she was not that phased, she kissed the track marks on my arms and got mad Iris killed me to which I explained Iris was different then and to not treat her any different.

"I understand if you want to leave" I told her for the 4th time and so my surprise she responded by pressing her lips on mine and for a second the world stopped.

"I'm not going anywhere " she stated " I want to stay with you" and I believed her . It was the first time I'd heard anyone say anything like that willingly and without force .

"Good girl " I replied kissing her head.

Like that she was back in little space and pressed her self against me innocently " let's get you washed" I cooed, before beginning to wash her body with lavender soap and a loofa before washing her hair and massaging it which she enjoyed a lot. I quickly washed myself leaving my hair before getting out the bath. I left Olivia to play with her boat she made out of an empty conditioner bottle. I made a quick job of drying myslef and putting on lotion and a nightgown before getting one of my oversized shirts and underwear for Olivia to wear . I made a quick mental note to order her some things as she had nothing as I went back to the bathroom to see her playing contently.

"Stand up baby" I told her to which she obidiently did whilst I pulled the plug. I wrapped her in a large white towel before picking her up and walking to the bedroom . Laying her down on the bed I went to the phone on the nightstand to ring room service asking Iris to bring up warm milk.

Olivia was half asleep as I massaged the lotion into her skin and got her dressed. I noticed how skinny and little she was when my oversized shirts hung off her and was nearly touching her knees . Iris came in as I was brushing her hair and put the milk into the spare bottle for me. We didn't speak so we wouldn't disturb the relaxed baby laid on the bed.

After Iris left I took her to the bathroom to half attempt to brush her teeth as well as my own at the same time with her clinging onto me.

Soon we were back in the same position as earlier with me cradling her small fragile body. I sang one of my songs to her as she drank the milk and soon the only sounds that filled the room was my voice and her suckling. After she was done I laid her down next to me handing her her blanket and pumpkin before putting the Paci in her mouth.   I switched off the lamp and lay down beside her covering us with the blanket as she instantly snuggled up against me.

"Goodnight angel" my voice filled the dark room, the only time either of us had talked after about 40 minutes of comfortable silence.

"Ni no mama" she replied around her paci, nearly asleep. A smile crept across my face as I kissed her forehead. After years of misery I had finally found my peace and happiness.

(AHS) Sally x OC mdlg Where stories live. Discover now