first night with Sally

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Olivia's pov

Sally walked us inside and I wine as she places me on the bed but was quickly distracted by her room, which looked like an actual bedroom rather than a hotel room. She had dark purple sheets and many clothes were hung around the room aswell as having a computer on a desk.

"Do you like it?" Sally asked biting her lip anxiously.

"Yes but....." I teased

"But what?" Sally demanded worriedly.

"It needs more pink and stuffies" Sally relaxed at this before sitting down next to me on the bed.

"We will have to do that then" she smiled " why don't we start with your blanket and dolly?" She questioned reaching into my bag.

Suddenly something dropped and there on the floor lay my pink pacifier. I was so embarrassed all I could do was lay face down on the bed and cry thinking Sally would kick me out.instead I felt her hands rubbing my back "what's your dollies name?" She asked distracting me.

"Pumpkin " I sniffed.

"Well pumpkin told me she's lonley and needs a livvy snuggle".

That got me up, I sat up and Sally moved behind me so she was leaning against the headboard before picking me up and placing me on her lap, cradling me like a baby. she handed me pumpkin and my blanket before I felt the familiar rubber being placed against my lips. It was an automatic response to open my mouth.

"Good girl" Sally told me making me blush and hide in her chest. The sucking of the Paci and Sally's rocks instantly calmed me, sending me straight into little space.

We lay in comfortable silence for a few minutes and I couldn't help but stare at her beauty.

Sally's pov

I looked down at Olivia in my arms only to catch her staring up at me with those beautiful blue eyes. Those eyes alone told me how much she had regressed. I booped her nose causing her to giggle around the pacifier.god she was so precious.

A knock interupted us and I told them to come in knowing It was iris . She cooed at Olivia upon entering, causing her to once again hide her face in my chest. Iris placed the pizza on the bed along with a pink bib and two bottles one which was filled with apple juice.

"The countess said you may need these, she's just went and got them" she stated. "Thank you Iris" I said as she left. Once the door closed olivia sat up making grabby hands for the bottle.

"You must be pretty thirsty huh? " I whispered more to myself than anything as I leaned forward to grab the bottle. Replacing the Paci I began to feed her, melting as she lifted her hand to cover mine which was on the bottle. After about half the bottle was gone I sat her up and placed her infront of me on the bed , grabbing the bib and putting it around her neck before opening the pizza.

2 full bellied and one messy baby later we were done.

"Do you want a bath my messy girl?" I asked. Olivia was too regressed to answer so she just nodded as I carried her to my bathroom. I placed her on the counter as I began to fill up the tub, adding bubbles with a lavender scent. I was hesitant to undress a but she needed a bath and was too little to do it herself.  I looked over to her to see her watching my every move.

"Ready to go splish splash ?" I cooed as I walked over to her. In response she lifted her arms for me to take off her dress.

I had to hold in my gasps of horrors as I examined her body, it was covered in bruises, cuts and burns. The anger rising inside of me when I thought about someone hurting her. I played it cool for the sake of her and tickled her as I slid off her knee high socks and underwear. I then picked her up and placed her in the tub taking notice of how she winced when the water hit her body.

Olivia's pov

The pain hit my body, instantly taking me out of little space,tears filled my eyes begging for release.

"Hey you're okay" Sally whispered gently crouching down. I reached for her eagerly. "In" I whispered, looking at her silently pleading. "Please" I pleaded catching her eyes as she contemplated her actions. She knew it was nothing sexual and that I just needed comfort so she began to undress.

My eyes trailed her body watching her intently,her famous coat had already been ditched earlier while we ate. She took off her purple dress and ripped tights and she was just left in her underwear. Soon she was bare and I was still watching her in a trance.

"Like what you see?" She teased before sliding in the bath behind me. I relaxed my back against her front and she wrapped her arms around me . This was the first time I had been "big" around her yet it wasn't awkward.

"What happened to you baby? " She asked as I played with her hands. It came out as a mere whisper.

"I was a bad girl" I shrugged "bad girls get punished". That's what I had been told all my life.

"Angel you are not a bad girl, and even if you were its not a reason for someone to leave marks on you like that, I never would. So tell me? " She asked again.

Warning mention of rape and suicide attempts / self harm*****

So we sat there in that position where I told her my life story about my parents abusing me so bad I ran home and then I met my ex who also abused me and raped me. I also told her about how he found out I liked girls and nearly killed me along with my issues with self harm and suicide attempts. I told her all this with no emotion because I was so used to it all, I was born into a life where it was okay.

Sally eventually turned me around so I was facing her, tears were flowing down her face and I reached to wipe them away.

"You're a little warrior, every mark and scar on you is proof of how strong you are" she told me . "There's something I need to tell you" she started .

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