The Himejima Tragedy

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"Wait, what?" You said, your entire mind running through possibilities and trying to register what she just said. "Your father?"

Akeno was as pale as a corpse. "Yes, (F/N), just listen to me. Call Rias." She squeezed your hand hard. You turn to see who Akeno is looking at. Her supposed father is a tall, muscular man, with a crew cut hairstyle and a cleanly cut beard. His eyes were squinted, as if he were smiling, but there were no smile lines, just lines of age. His skin was slightly tan, almost as if he was of Middle Eastern descent. His aura was unalarming, that was, until he turned his head and sighted Akeno. The air felt alarming, and it was at that very moment that you touched your thumb and middle finger together, which immediately contacted Rias. The magic coursed through your body, every molecule of energy being sent to Rias, screaming that there was a Fallen Angel.

The Fallen Angel, after being seated by the hostess, decided to stand, and he started to move towards the two of you. Akeno is still stunned, even after you shook her arm a few times. The Angel makes his way to your table, Akeno averted her eyes downward.

"Is there something we can do for you, sir?" You said. "I don't quite like the way you stare at my girlfriend." This damned angel was getting on your nerves.

"Quiet, demon." said the Fallen Angel, his voice deep and commanding.

At that phrase, Akeno looked up. "Why are you here, Baraquiel? How dare you even show your face to me?"

Baraquiel, you assumed that was his name, looked almost in shock. "I cannot tell you why, Akeno. However, I should be able to see my own daughter whenever I like."

"You would like to think that, wouldn't you?" snapped Akeno. "You've done nothing but ruin my life." It was obvious to you that Akeno was pissed. You hoped to never invoke this kind of wrath out of her.

"I am your father, Akeno. I have every right to see you. What are you doing in a restaurant with a teenage boy? He reeks of Devil blood." said Baraquiel, wrinkling his nose at your apparent "Devil blood."

It was at this moment in time that the door to the restaurant open, and the crimson haired Rias Gremory strolled in, her stride carrying confidence and leadership. Rias walked up behind Baraquiel. She looked like a dainty flower compared to the large, tall tree that Baraquiel was. She moved to his side, standing next to you and crossing her arms.

"Ah, the fallen angel Baraquiel. I would appreciate it highly if you were to come with us, as you are creating a scene." said Rias, glaring daggers.

You looked around, and almost every pair of eyes in the whole restaurant was on the four of you.

"That is a good idea, Lady Gremory." said Baraquiel begrudgingly.

You were genuinely shocked at Baraquiel's response. Based on all other Fallen Angels, you expected a fight right then and there. It was then that Rias layed money on the table, and the four of you exited the restaurant. Rias took you all into a back alley in order to find a good spot to teleport. Rias found a good spot behind a dumpster and opened the red sigil of the House of Gremory. The 3 Gremorys stepped into the sigil and Baraquiel followed on his own.

You arrived at Issei's house. The building looking almost haunting in the fading sunlight. It was around 7 pm now, and the sky was purple from the sun setting, not unlike the shade of purple that occurs when a Fallen Angel reveals itself.

Rias swings open the door into the living room. It seems that Rias had prepared a waiting party, as Issei, Kiba, Koneko, and Asia were sitting on the sofas.

"Wonderful," You said. "The gang's all here."

"Indeed we are," said Kiba. "Let's get this show on the road."

"Baraquiel," Rias turned. "You don't have very much time until I eliminate you, or send you to the Underworld. I would very much appreciate it if you would speak."

Baraquiel furrowed his brow. "I cannot speak on much, Lady Gremory. But beware the storm fastly approaching. Beware of the Church. I do not wish to see my precious daughter-" he looked at Akeno. "getting slaughtered by holy weaponry."

Kiba visibly went pale, flinching at the words "holy weaponry." Koneko looked over at him and grabbed his hand to try and get him to snap out of it. His eyes were blank. You'd never seen him like this.

Rias stood against the wall, arms crossed. She was pondering something profound, you could see it.

"It seems I have overstayed my welcome." said Baraquiel softly. "Until we meet again, Akeno." And with that, Baraquiel disappeared.

"May the Devil damn fallen angels." said Rias, clenching her teeth.

The room was silent. The air stagnant. It was awful to you. Your girlfriend was silent, and you didn't know what to do.

"Well," said Issei, trying to clear the air. "what do we do next, Prez?"

"Honestly, Issei, I wish I knew." sighed Rias, her teal eyes watery. "Until I can figure something out, everyone will be free to go do as they please."

"Rias," you said. "you're strong and smart. You will figure something out. You're our King."

"Thank you, (F/N). That means quite a lot." said Rias, pulling you to her, as sort of a motherly embrace.

"(F/N), you jackass! That's my spot!" screamed Issei, his mind not the only thing raging.

Kiba laughed, surprisingly enough after what shock he had been placed under.

Akeno was still silent. She didn't seem bothered by Rias's embrace at all. It was more or less a blur to her.

You and Rias parted, you went to Akeno and clasped her hand. "Let's go home, sweetheart."

Akeno's eyes were glassy as she looked up at you. "Yeah, let's go home."

You open up a glowing red Sigil of Gremory on the floor, and you and Akeno stepped in, teleporting you and her to your house, and well, it seemed to also be Akeno's now.

You took her hand and sat on the couch, her body following yours. You knew that there was something on Akeno's mind. Something bleak.

"Akeno, it's okay. Tell me what's on your mind, I won't judge you. I promise." You said, clasping her hand, pulling it to your lips and briskly kissing it. You pull Akeno to you, and it's like your bodies melt into one. Your heart and her heart, exposed to each other.

She sighs, her breath shaking. You feel a dampness spread through the chest of your shirt. Your girlfriend was crying.

"(F/N), the reason I hate Baraquiel so much...It's because of him that I lost my mother. She was a shrine maiden who found him, wounded in battle. My mom took him in and cared for him until he was back to health. Eventually, I came along. I always thought my father's wings were so pretty." She took a rugged breath. "One day, my mother was murdered by others in my village, claiming she was possessed by my father. I saw her plead for my life. I grew to hate fallen angels then. I mean, who openly talks about their neighbors' little girl killing them in their sleep?" Akeno's sobs grow louder, her hands gripping your shirt like it's the only thing in the world.

"Akeno, I'm so, so sorry. I love you beyond words, and I'll never let go. You can always count on me, no matter what." You said, your arms wrapping around her back.

She hiccuped. "Thank you, (F/N). I love you too."

- - -

Y'all, forgive me for being so late with this chapter and the new birthday chapter (which will admittedly be late). I've got a lot going on currently and it is difficult to maintain a consistent writing schedule. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and stay tuned for the birthday chapter releasing in an hour or two hopefully!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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