My First Devil Pact, and A Little Love

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What's happening? Glad to know you see my apprentice J-Faus here.
Do you know who I am?
I'm Rel.
Yes, this is one of my students and this is a guest chapter. Give this man a follow too. We got some stuff in the future to come. We got a pact, affection, and more. Let's get it.
You and Akeno had arrived back at your house. The moonlight was streaming through the windows, and the two of you looked at each other. That magnetic field she had still persisted. It always grabbed your gaze.

"We should probably get to bed, Handsome." cooed Akeno.

"Yeah, I agree." You said.

You both walked to your bedroom. It was exactly how you left it. Akeno removed her clothes and you changed into pajamas and you both instantly fell asleep as soon as you got into the bed.


It was sometime after lunch and it was just the boys, you and Akeno had gone over to Issei's house early in the morning, after showering, of course.

It was you, Kiba, and Issei hanging out in the living room after lunch, the sunlight was pouring through the windows like streams of honey. Basically just waiting because you all had a feeling something was going to be coming up. Could be training. Could be a guys' day out. Or maybe, there was a job to pull off. Hmmm...

"Oh boys." Cooed Rias. The three of you watch the ladies walk down. Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Asia take a seat on the opposite couch.

Rias obviously was up to something, or had something on her mind. "I have an interesting pact for the three of you. An amateur sailor needs his boat washed while staying at his dock. His reward is actually quite interesting."

"Don't tell me buried treasure now." Said Issei, thinking that this was going to be ridiculous.

"Actually, something of the sort. A bar of silver. Weighs about ten pounds." said Rias. (Believe it or not I have seen one. Though the ones you see in films and cartoons of the gold bars, those are 25 pounds. And according to my app 7/05/2020 you can get an offer of $680,000 for one. Cool right?)

"Damn!" That got your attention.

"Clean his boat?" Pondered Kiba. "How big is the boat?"

"I was told a standard speed boat. Not a whole yacht." Replied Rias.

"Thank goodness. We would be into tomorrow if that were the case." You chuckled.

"He said it was a few hours of work and that's your request for today and I will give you boys nothing tomorrow. Sound good?" A good offer from Rias.

"Alright. Gents we good?" Asked Kiba getting up from the couch.

"Let's go." You said.

The three of you teleport in a circle as the girls watch you disappear. Though cleaning, sounds like this isn't all that simple. Asia was thinking the same thing. Why does it seem so simple?

"Rias? Is there a reason the boys are going and not one of us?" Asked Asia.

"There is." Replied Rias. "Old sailors typically have old ways. And he isn't treating any of us girls with disrespect. Me and Akeno have dealt with it time and time again. We don't want you or Koneko in that situation. And Akeno and I aren't putting up with it today. There is other stuff going on."

"I see..." said the blonde bishop.

The three of you teleport to a dock. It is connected to a private residence. Someone has a big house and then in his back yard he has a spot on the water. This man must rake in millions every year.

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