The Quest To Save A Nun? We're Devils!

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You awoke lightly, opening your heavy eyelids to a dark ceiling, you'd moved on your back in the night, and Akeno had adjusted accordingly. She had her hair down from a ponytail, and was sleeping with her head on your bare chest and one of her arms wrapped around your ribcage. You looked at her, and studied her well. That hair, as black as the night itself, and that sleeping face. She couldn't be much cuter. How did I end up like this? She's so cute when she's asleep. And I'm the one here sleeping with her. You moved your arm and put it on her head, lightly stroking Akeno's hair. She looks so peaceful. Do I make her feel safe? I know she makes me feel that way. You looked over at your alarm clock, 4:37 A.M., time to go to sleep, as you needed every bit of it, and wanted this moment with you and Akeno to last. You closed your eyes, the last thing you saw was moonlight peering from the window down on Akeno, what a wonderful sight that was. You wondered about why Akeno was doing this. Did she feel responsible, or does she really care for you? At the rate this was going, you didn't know. With that thought, sleep took you into its dark abyss.

- - -

It was now 6:30 A.M., and Akeno stirred. Her magenta eyes opened to see you, arm around her, sawing logs. She smiled and quietly giggled to herself and slowly started to move, not wanting to wake you up. Once she was free to move, she crept out of bed. Akeno put her hair up in her signature ponytail and bent over to you, pecking you on the forehead and caressing your face. She looked at you with adoring eyes.

"Wake up soon, handsome," Akeno whispered. "I'll have a surprise for you when you get up."

With that, Akeno strolled over to her folded clothes and put her panties on. She went out the door to cook them some breakfast. As she got into the kitchen, she oriented herself with it again. You didn't keep much, as you didn't cook to often, so finding your stuff was easy for Akeno. She got her materials together and began to cook.

- - -

You woke up about an hour after Akeno, the sunlight peering through your window. You looked down and noticed Akeno was gone, yet her clothes were still by the bed. It took you a minute to get oriented, but after you did, you smelled an unmistakable smell. Bacon. You got up and winced as a sharp pain pulsed through your side. You put on some pajama pants on and walked out of your room. You strolled down the hall into the open, sunlit kitchen and living room to see Akeno standing over the stove, cooking bacon and eggs in nothing but her panties. Oh, oh yeah. This is fucking good. You thought.

Akeno giggled. "What's good, Honey? The smell of the food or the view you're getting? Good morning, by the way. Did you sleep okay?"

"Uh, uh...Both, absolutely both." You said, still somehow shocked that there was a gorgeous, half naked girl cooking breakfast for you. You got your bearings. "Sleep wise, absolutely great. Did you sleep okay?"

"Yes, Love. I slept great. I missed your company when I got up to cook." said Akeno, with an almost pouting tone in her voice.

"Well, I'm awake now." You said. "So there's no need to miss me now that I'm here."

Akeno giggled and nodded her head, getting the last of the bacon and eggs on to two plates and serving them at the dinner table. It was just you and her, sitting side by side and and eating. You took one bite of the bacon and the flavor exploded in your mouth.

"Holy shit, Akeno. This is amazing!" You exclaimed, starting to shovel more in your mouth.

You saw Akeno's face flush red. "You really like it that much?"

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