What?! I've Been Reborn As A Devil?

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Author's Note: This is a long one. Hope you're comfortable.

You awoke in your bed with a major headache. Your vision blurred into focus, staring into your ceiling. In the almost deathly silence, you remembered the events that had happened the previous day. That was just a dream, right? Still laying there, in that silence, you heard not just your own breathing, but someone else's, or so you thought. You look to your right, nothing but your nightstand and the floor, then to your left, and utter shock filled your mind.

"Wh–what? Woah, woah, woah. I'm fucking dreaming, I know it." You said aloud. Though I honestly don't mind this dream.

Beside you was none other than Rias Gremory, the beauty that so elegantly strolled the halls of Kuoh Academy. Your words made her stir in her sleep, her brow furrowing and her ocean blue eyes opening. She stretched with a cute yawn.

"Ah, (F/N), good morning. How is your leg feeling?" asked Rias, looking at you curiously.

You leapt up out of bed, and realized that you were stark naked. "Holy shit! Uh, uh." You said, grabbing a spare comforter off the bed and covering yourself with it. "You're Rias Gremory, why are you here? What's going on? Why are you in my house?"

"Well, why wouldn't I help my injured servant? You are my servant now after all." said Rias.

This bitch is insane. Sexy, but batshit crazy. "What in Go—" You were interrupted by a pain shooting through your skull, almost like someone stabbing you.

"Devils can't use the name of God like that, (F/N)." said Rias, sitting up. She was naked also, and her body was fully exposed.

Your thoughts were of any normal teenage male's in this situation. Holy fuck, that rack is huge.

"You like them?" asked Rias. "How sweet."

"Wh–" You stuttered. "How did you?"

"Ah, I suppose I should formally introduce myself. I am Rias Gremory, and I'm your devil master." She said.

"Devil master? Hold up, nobody is my master but me, for one," You shot back. "second, devil? Are you insane"

From Rias's back came wings, large, black bat-like wings. "I assure you, I am not insane, my Rook. You are now a devil also, take a look." She said.

From your back also came the same wings. "You have got to be shitting me. This isn't real, I'm dreaming." You said, in utter disbelief.

"It is not, Love. I promise you. Now," Rias said, getting out of bed and going over to her folded clothes. "let's get dressed, shall we?"

You watched as Rias unfolded her panties and slid them on, admiring her body. You decided it would be best to get your clothes on now, and ask Rias questions when you feel comfortable enough. So after pulling on your uniform, you see Rias pull her hair to the side.

"Can you clip this for me? It's quite troubling." She asked.

Who am I to deny an opportunity like this? "Of course I can," You said, clipping Rias's bra. "So, Rias, if we are both devils, then what went on yesterday wasn't a dream, correct?"

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