Daddy's Home

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"What is it you wish to discuss, Rias?" asked Akeno.

"Well, it isn't a task I could do myself. My brother has informed me that there are fallen angels starting to pop up around town. 'Zechs is afraid they may formulate an attack plan, or are already trying to attack. " Rias turned her head towards you and Akeno. "(F/N), Akeno, this is why I need you both. Tomorrow evening, I would like you all to go on a mock date of sorts, as you normally would go about one. I'm sorry to ask this of you, as making your first official date as a couple a trap. I just know both of you seem to be magnets for fallen angels."

You didn't really know how to feel about this. Akeno didn't deserve it, right? She'd been through so much taking care of you, so you didn't think so. If Rias wished it, though, you guessed it had to be done. You feel a tight grip on your hand, it's Akeno.

"Yes, Rias. Of course we can do it. I understand (F/N)'s unvoiced hesitancy, but, I promise I'll make it up to you, (F/N)." She cooed softly towards you, her magenta eyes hinting at something.....naughty.

"Don't worry about it, Akeno. It's okay, I promise." You squeeze Akeno's hand.

"So, President," started Kiba. "what're the rest of us going to do while they're out?"

"Good question, Kiba." said Rias. "I will have you and Koneko paired together to go to some hot spots of activity. Will they still be there? We don't know. As for Issei and Asia, you all will stay with me here." Rias was determined, for whatever reason, to barbeque these chickens as soon as possible. Obviously you had kicked up the heat on a Fallen One before, but your conflictedness was biting you in the back of the head. You worry that you won't be able to protect Akeno. Scenes of Akeno getting stabbed with a Spear of Light played in your head. Her eyes losing their light as blood pours from her stomach. The tears, the screams.You gripped her hand harder.

"Ow, (F/N), that hurts." Akeno whispered.

"Sorry, Love." You replied, letting loose your grip on her hand. You were worried about your girlfriend, but Big Red makes the rules here.

"When're you wanting us to leave, Rias?" You asked, trying to be polite.

Rias looked up at her temples, as if she was recalling information. "Well, I can't just take your day away from you. Does 5 pm sound good?"

It was 9 am at the moment, which sounded fine to you.

"Does that sound okay, Akeno?" You asked.

"Yeah, of course it does. I need some time with my boyfriend until then." She replied, hugging into your right arm.

Rias smiled and emitted a pretty cute laugh. "Alright, you two," she said that almost motherly. "I appreciate your compliancy."

"Of course, Rias." You both replied.

"Alright everyone, until 5 pm we are free to do whatever we like!" announced Rias. "So go have fun."

Akeno looked over at you. "She doesn't have to tell me twice. Hey, honey, can we go back to bed?" Looking back at her, you thought to yourself for a minute. She's unbearably adorable, and it's hard to say no to her.

"Absolutely, we can." You said.

She smiled to herself and teleported you both back to your room.

The sunlight danced in the windowpanes, shining through onto the floor. Your lights were off, but the sun made it somehow all the more romantic. It was at this point, while you were lost in thought, that Akeno kissed you. She didn't use tongue or anything, just a peck on the lips.

"I love you, (F/N). I'm so glad you're my boyfriend." She said, holding your hand.

"I love you too, Akeno, I really do. None of this feels real. I'm not someone with any sob-story past, but you're just so important to me."

High School DxD: Fire And Lightning - Akeno Himejima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now