Fire And Lightning

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Rias Gremory was downstairs, seated with her house, minus Akeno and (F/N). No noise was coming from upstairs, so that meant it was okay to go check on them.

Rias stood. "Please excuse me everyone, I have to go check on those two."

With not a word from her peerage, Rias strode up the steps. The door was slightly open to the room reserved for (F/N) when he needed it. She looked in and saw them, arms wrapped around each other, nose to nose, and fast asleep. Rias smiled to herself, thinking about how the two should just confess to one another. They both obviously liked each other, so why not?

Rias looked at the two and decided to teleport them both back to (F/N)'s bed in his own house, and with that, the two were sent off undisturbed.


Sunlight streamed through the window with an almost jovial radiance. The light itself woke you up. As you opened your eyes, you were greeted with a semi-familiar sight. Akeno's sleeping face inches away from yours. Your noses were touching. This was definitely brand new.

Wait, you thought. how the hell did I get back home? Ah, I'll bet it was Rias.

Another thought hit you. Oh shit, I told Akeno how I felt last night. Why the hell did I do that? "I've been warming up to it"? What does that mean? But wait, she also said she was with someone she's interested in. Jeez, why are women so complicated?

You take a deep breath, inhaling Akeno's scent. Just like purple irises in spring. You then saw Akeno's eyes open, and suddenly, there was magenta looking back at you.

"Good morning," said Akeno, moving a hand off your back and cupping your face.

"Good morning, Akeno." You said. Your heart rate was going up, you could hear it.

She pulled you closer to her, looking you in the eyes. "(F/N), how does being my boyfriend sound?"

Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump. There was your heart rate climbing. Your face got hot.

"Wait, y-you mean it? You feel the same way?" You were shaky now.

Akeno grabbed your face, and went in. She kissed you directly on the lips and held it. There came a dopamine rush. She pulled away, looking you in the eyes and smiling, with a large blush on her face. Her eyes sparkled.

"Yes, (F/N), I mean it. I mean it more than anything." Akeno said. That smile tugged at your heart strings. So you decided to kiss her this time.

You pulled her in for another kiss, this time just holding it, until she decided to use tongue. It was your first time doing that, so she took the lead. Your tongues danced, and then you two separated.

"I love you, Akeno." You said.

"I love you too, (F/N)." She replied.

The two of you then decided it might be time to change clothes. So with that, you separated from Akeno. When you let go of her, a certain feeling crept in. It felt like you weren't whole, it felt like you were only half the man you used to be. It was, an interesting yet horribly lonely feeling.

You saw Akeno strip down out of her uniform and open your closet. She never seemed to be uncomfortable around you naked, but this time, as she materialized a new bra, she turned around with a blush on her face. However, it was no shy blush. You knew what was about to go down.

"Have you ever touched a woman's breasts before, Handsome?" asked Akeno, holding her own breasts with her hands.

Your face got hot and your heart rate pulsed in your ears. "N-No, I can't say I have."

High School DxD: Fire And Lightning - Akeno Himejima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now