242 - Foot Massage

620 9 4

"Mmm," the Queen of France moans shamelessly, leaning her head back in the overstuffed pillows. "Francis, that feels so good." Mary tells her husband, her eyes falling closed in relaxation as her body sunk contentedly into the goose feather mattress underneath them.

The King of France chuckles at his wife, continuing to run his large fingertips over the arch in her swollen foot. "I'm glad you approve of my masseuse skills." he does try to look at her, but the large swell of their child within her womb underneath the red satin and black tulle and gold accents of her gown restricts his view of his wife. Yes, Mary's tall, and her bump and her breast have swollen (marvelously, in the King's opinion) but she is quite a small woman in all the other ways, so with a bump as large as the one she bears at just over seven and a half months is really rather restrictive.

He gets back to his task, biting the inside of his cheek as he continues working the peony and elderflower oils into his wife's sweet. He would be concerned about the size her feet and ankles have swollen to if it hadn't been for Catherine's two-hour long lecture on pregnancy when the  two of them had returned from their Parisian tour with Mary lightly plump with child. Even with the information (and the really rather graphic details, thanks, Catherine) he had been given, he can't help but worry for her health still, as Lola's wedding to the Earl de Montin had been a long, dreary notion, and all of which Mary had to manage heavily pregnant and on her feet, her predicament not helped by the high court shoes Greer had begged her to wear. The new Duchess of Alsace, wife of the former kitchen boy she still so adored after her first husband's' death, had fallen straight back into her vanity after months away from jewels and finery. The shoes had been a gift from her dear Greer, her only true Lady these days. Kenna was still in Sweden and Aylee long dead, and with Lola, well- the littlest said about her, the better.

"Are you feeling alright? I could send for some creamed chicken and basil soup and some bread if you feel ill, I know how partial you are to it." he begins to worriedly ramble. "Or, some apples and oxtail? (Points if you get the two references!)I'm sure mother will have you rest as much as possible right now, now that the wedding is over."

"I'm fine, Darling. As contented as a pregnant Queen could be." she sighs, relaxing underneath her husbands' warm hands that worked magic on her aching feet. Things had been so blissful for the last eight months that Mary hated to make the slightest request, lest she cause issue that would bring her perfect glass ceiling falling down. First Francis recovers from his sickness, and then they spend five weeks in Paris, returning to Court pregnant and ecstatic. Then, Greer and Leith finally marry and Elizabeth is plagued with another case of smallpox and now deals with her own issues with Spain and the drama with the armada, a beautiful pregnancy that makes her beloved homeland breathe a sigh of relief and turns even English Protestants in her direction. And now, Lola's bags are packed and she won't see her for years upon years, and the child that whore shares with her husband is being kept on the grounds in one of the little cottages. A healthy, doting husband and a strong, kicking child within her womb, one that she prays will be a boy and will come into this world safe, Mary could honestly say that she thought the universe was finally rewarding her for those months of pain in the past year.

"I'm glad." he smiles. "I want you to rest, though-" he quickly continues as she opens her mouth to complain. "for an hour or two, the ceremony was long, and we don't want our child coming into our arms too early, do we?" he grins. Mary smiles, relenting, her heart practically singing at his soothing voice and his gentle words.

"Fine," she says it like it's a large ask. "only if you rest with us. I can't bare sleeping alone, even if I have this bénédiction inside of me." 

He smiles, reaching one hand to wipe off the oil, not wanting a repeat of his mothers' fit when he accidentally got oil onto one of his wife's gowns. The King of France places a hand onto his wife's stomach, chuckling as he feels the child within her kick at him.

"He's saying hello to his Papa." Mary informs him.

"You sure about that?"

"Without question." she confirms. He smiles at his wife, getting up of the bed, placing her feet back onto the mattress that had previously been laying on his lap, and shifting closer to her. He cups a cheek, pressing a kiss to her lips for several moments.

"I love you." he says, pressing the tips of their brows and noses together, forcing their eyes lock. "Both of you."

"I love you, too. So much."


Hi everybody!!

I'm super sorry for the complete lack of updates over the last while. I've been really busy doing some renovations in my home, and an even split of people around me are causing it to be far more stressful than it need be (and yes, some people feel very strongly about walls and carpets, I've learned that over the last month and a half) so that's been taking up most of my time. I noticed a dry spell through all of the Frary authors on here, Fanfic and Aoc, and it's kinda weird that we all just disappear at around the same time, but I wanted to get some Frary out to try and break the spell and get the creative juices flowing, so hi! Missed me? I did miss all of you out there in Wattpad land.

If you could answer me a quick question, that would be great. I don't want to sound irritated like I tend to do in this topic. Is there a reason that some one shots get more votes and comments than others? Are the ones that haven't got any comments and like two votes just not good, or not as good as the ones that have like five comments and more votes? Or do you guys get notifications for some of the pieces and not others, and that's why they haven't got any feedback? I'm genuinely curious, since I can't find out for myself since I don't read on Wattpad ninety percent of the time, and the accounts I follow don't update what they've written. It's a genuine question, I don't want to sound mean or foreward, I know my bluntness can sometimes come across as that, I really would like to know so I can work on it if it's the former, or space updates out if it's the latter :)

Anyway, I'm not gonna be writing long and dramatic pieces for the time being, nor will RTW or Nevorum be updated, since I'm pretty busy away from the keyboard. It's mainly gonna be either anti Lola or fluffy Frary, since things like that do tend to either come easier or don't require complex writing. So, anybody got a request? I'd love to hear from you all after a few weeks of no comments, even if it's just so say hi!

I'll try and write a couple things right now, or over the weekend :)




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