278 - Confrontation *Modern*

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"We can't keep going around in circles like this," Mary whispers, pushing her face into her hands. She leans forward, she's so tired. The three of them have been going on like his for hours, and still nothing has changed or been resolved. It's just the three of them going on, and on and on and on. "I can't do this for much longer." she pulls her face up and looks at them both.

"What is there left to be said that hasn't already been said?" Francis asks her, looking from one Stuart blooded girl to the half-breed cousin near her. They're all exhausted, emotional, regretful and unhappy. Greer and Leith and Kenna and Bash have locked them all in Mary's hotel room for the past four hours, to get them all to desperately find some common ground so they may all move past this, because this situation has gone on long enough.

"I don't know," she whispers. "I don't know."

"Can I say something?" Lola timidly asks, lumbering up from the chair she'd been sitting in to walk towards the couple (or former couple? She doesn't know) on the facing sofas. Mary looks up at her through her lashes, dark eyes even darker than usual.

"What?" she asks, annoyed. "Wanna lay some more blame on my lap through your actions? Go on, we've done that enough through the years. Remember Collen?" Mary hisses.

"My ex boyfriend-"

"-the rapist-"

"My former boyfriend has nothing to do with this." Lola answers evenly. "Mary, I hate the fact that I hurt you again. And by God, I am so, so sorry that this happened. If I could go back in time and change it, I would. I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness."

"Have some self respect, stop grovelling." Mary sniffles, rubbing her face with a sigh. "Do you want the truth?"

"Without question."

"I don't think I can ever forgive you for what you did. Is that better? Does that clear the air? I can't forgive you for what happened, with Collen and with him-" she sniffles. "and I don't know where to go from here. Okay? Hel, I might have gotten over it if you both remembered something, and the bigger reason I can't forgive you is the fact that there's proof!" she points to Lola's bump, standing up with her. "Eventually there's going to be walking, talking proof of your betrayal, as convoluted as it is, while I remain humiliated and alone!"

"You're not!" Francis stands up. "You have me! We're married!"

"Like I'd want you after finding out that you slept with my friend, my cousin, the morning before our wedding because you got drunk the night before!" Mary shoots back. "Why would you do that to me? Why would you do that to me?! After everything I'd given up for you in the past!"

"I'm sorry, it was a mistake! I was lonely and she was there and-"

"Don't even start going on about that! I don't care who started it, who kissed who first, what matters is that we were engaged, and you're my cousin! And you both betrayed me for no reason and now we ended up with that!" she spat at the bump. "What's worse is that Kenna knew the morning of, when you were helping me put my dress on, you both were talking about how you'd slept with him and then stood by as I married him! What is wrong with you?!"

"Mary, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, it was a horrible, horrible mistake-"

"It was a choice!"

"What do you want me to do? How can I make this up to you?"

Mary chuckled bitterly, wiping her face again. "And here we go again," she tuts. "what can you do to make this right? When in five months we're all going to have to play fucking sister wives and raise your bastard child, 'cause I sure as hell can't get out of this marriage without loosing everything I have." she plops down onto a chair and begins to weep once more. "I can't believe you two."

"Mary, we can't keep going around and around in circles like this." Francis comes over and kneels before her, taking her wrists in his hands. She pulls back, but he holds tight. "What do you want from us?"

"I want to know why you two kept this from me until it was too late to get rid of it." she sniffles. "Why we have to be in this trio-parenting play when we didn't have to be."

"I-I couldn't go through with the abortion, Mary. I'm Catholic, my parents would-"

"Your parents who do and think and say whatever the fuck I want them too-"

"My parents would have disowned me. Cut me off. I need them to get me through school and training and-"

"Oh, shut up. Just shut up!" Mary suddenly yells at her. "I can't do this anymore, I can't sit here and look at your face and hear all of your excuses. I can't!" she gets up and walks away. "Are you in love with him? Is that what this is? Are you trying to push yourself closer to him, get pregnant with his kid, to get him?"

"Mary, that's insane. Of course not!"

"Are you jealous of me, everything I have? You're the daughter of an illegitimate child of my grandfather, you're side begs for scraps and even repeats history. Remember Henry? The half brother you both share? Is your kid the second coming of Henry Fleming?" she chuckled bitterly again. "Are you trying to get everything I have? Make me feel guilty for your mistakes? You sure do a lot of that-"

"No, Mary, no-"

"I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't be married to you and have her in the wings, waiting with her kid in her arms, so ready to take my place, one that I'm not even sure I want anymore. I can't be married to you and have her three steps behind with the kid. I can't do this. I won't. I shouldn't have to." Mary mindlessly babbles to herself, talking to Francis, but pacing around the room in somewhat mania.

"Then I'll go!" Lola cries out. "I'll go somewhere far away, finish the pregnancy in seclusion and then-and then we'll figure the rest out later. If Francis wants to be involved or if I want the baby or if we're going to give it up to adoption. Yes, I'll go away, somewhere far, far away where nobody will know what happened between us and-and then I'll go somewhere else where you never have to see me so long as you hate me. Is-is that what you want? Because if it is, I'll do it. I swear I'll do it."

A/N - Heyy

Sorry it's been a long time without an update. It was my birthday a couple days ago, so I was away from the keyboard to go celebrate. Also there's been a few technical difficulties I've been dealing with, but I think everything's fixed up so I can get back to updating a few chapters for you all in Wattpad Land.

Also, sorry for the weird chapter shuffles again, I've fixed it like three times and saved it more times than I can remember, but for some damn reason, it keeps happening and everything's jumbled up again. Sorry for that, but it is what it is. At least everything's still here and nothing was deleted.

Love you all



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