265 - Partner *Modern*

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"All of the partners in the entire UK and I get stuck with you," Mary mutters to her cousin as they continued to pose for pictures for the press, at the side of their fathers and coaches. Mary does indeed try to smile as real as possible, but with Henry Stuart, Lord of Darnley, at her side it is near impossible. It's always been like this, ever since their fathers had their days of youth, they just couldn't co-exist, and it was even worse now that he was her designated new partner for the sudden new rule that all solo Olympic figure skaters have to compete in at least two short programs and three longs as part of their Olympic journey, as well as a short and long in the actual day should they qualify. She simply cannot stand the son of her bastard uncle, and he cannot stand her right back. He brings scandal to their family, and not just with his parentage, he drinks to excess and has boyfriend after girlfriend, each one creating an issue that her father has to clear up. It's not fair, why should she, the third in line to the British throne, have to be stuck with this bastard, even if he is a former Olympian in his own right, just like she is?

"Believe it or not, Princess, but I'm no happier about being stuck with my stuck up, prudish cousin than you are being with me." Henry mutters back through gritted teeth as they continue to smile for the pretence of Henry being welcomed back into the family with open arms as the duo prepare to take their talent to Beijing in two years time. "But, like it or not, we're the best that our country has to offer and we have to bring back the glory that my Uncle demands."

"After the Worchester Scandal?" Mary bites back, fully aware of how Henry tenses at the mention of the almighty scandal that nearly cost he and his father their titles and lands. Even Great Uncle Henry was angry at the both of him, and he's an absolute arsehole.

"It's in the past." Henry answers grimly.

"Thanks to James taking on Lady Emily, you mean." Mary spits back, smiling prettily for the cameras after their press release, now holding up Henry's hand in intended victory. He smiles, too, but only people who truly know them will understand how much they hate this situation and the mutual dislike of one another. "He had to trod on a very important man's toes to get to her."

"Oh, please, Emily loved shacking up with James after being with Knox for so long."

"It's not her who has power over half the protestants in Scotland, it's him, and he was furious, and father nearly had to bring in the Pope." 

"Tell Daddy dearest that I'm sorry his own bastard son had to sleep with a pretty girl to help me out, although I'm sure his favourite bastard enjoyed it just as much as she did." Mary hisses at him. "It's ironic that he hates my father for being a half-blood, but how many half-blood's did he spread over Scotland, hmm? Eight, nine? Before the whole Madeline thing happened."

"You know nothing about Madeline de Valois, and I'd advise you to keep your mouth shut about her, or the Kings of France and Britain will chop your balls off before I have the chance."

"Yes, your highness." Henry spits back, rolling his eyes as he kisses her knuckles for the cameras.

Dear God, she wants to throttle him.

"Oh, it was horrible, Francis!" Mary wines onto the phone, kicking off her heels and laying down onto the hotel room's bed. "He's such an arse, and I'm supposed to give him opportunity to kill me by doing a triple twist, just because it'll please Winter Olympic Algorithm?"

"This is Lady Lennox's son, yeah? The woman who tried to secretly engage the two of you when things got rocky with our mothers when we were nine?" the Crown Prince of France asks, curious.

"Yes, that's her." Mary rolls her eyes. "She's a right battleaxe, she is. Tried to take the privy council of Scotland away from my father when Arthur was sick with meningitis when he was seven. The bitch."

"Mary, she did save your arse when she let us know that Elizabeth was planning on kidnapping you a year ago, locking you in Sandown castle to keep you from the betrothal ceremonies that made us official." he reminds her with a chuckle. "Maybe she mellowed in her later years of widowhood?"

"Alright, alright, she's not all bad." Mary rolls her eyes. "But that's only because she wanted to pair Henry and I up together."

"Your family is strange, love."

"Tell me about it," she huffs. "that's not to mention Great Uncle Henry, who tried to kill wives number two and four before they died under suspicious circumstances," she states plainly, making him choke. "what? You didn't know about that?"

"No!" he cries. "And I thought mother's apothecary was bad, anyway, we're getting off topic, Darling. I'm sure it won't be that bad with Henry, I mean, he's just as good as you, right? At least you two can try and talk about skating and not about anything else."

"Kinda hard when all I wanna do is punch him every time I see his stupid face." she huffs.

"Well, I'm glad you don't think that about me and our arranged marriage."

"What? No, I like your face. Not his." she explains. "No, your face is prettier."

"Thanks," he chuckles. "when're you getting in tomorrow? Mother wants press pictures of us bonding before the wedding."

"It's four years away!"

"I know," he chuckles. "you've met my mother, yeah?"

"She's frustrating." Mary huffs. "And Vincent says about two in the morning, so I can get McEldery to drive me to yours and crash afterwards. Darling Cousin and I have to get pictures of our first training session to get the duet stuff going."

"Don't kill him with your blades."

"Try not to." she answers evenly. "Love you, blondie."

"I love you too, Darling."


Points to anybody who can guess why Darnley's Mary's skating partner!

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