271 - Announcement

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"My lords, my loyal subjects, I thank you for your attendance and your fealty. These past years we have overcome many challenges, faced many foes, and united we have beaten them all."

There was an appreciative cheer that left the lord's and ladies' mouths in the great dinner hall of the French Court, and goblets were risen in fealty to the Kings' words.

"Today we celebrate the fruits of our beautiful country. We offer our thanks to God for his blessing this past year. We have so much to be thankful for; the eradication of plague in the east, a new period of security and peace, the plentiful harvest France has offered us this year putting an end to famine, and now, another child from the womb of the Princess of Scots'" The King looks to the left and raises the hand of his mistress, allowing her stand at his side, where his Queen has to sit. "By winter ease, I shall be a father once more, and the alliance between the oldest alliance in Europe will be strengthened once more by the heart that beats in the woman I love's belly. Dance, please! We must celebrate!"

When the lords and ladies left their tables, the music began again and a jolly tune had the drunkards dancing and hopping about, the Queen of France takes her leave and rushes out of the banquet hall and into a room she doesn't really give a damn which, just so long as she can get away from her husband doting over who almost all of court considered the real Queen of France. Hatred flows through her, and she rips off the crown she wears, tears at the gown upon her skirts. A cast off from the Princess of Scotland.

"Your highness?" a voice asks. She looks up at the voice, and it proves to be the Duchess of Bordeaux, Lady Greer of Kinross. A Scottish Lady of no nobility, but impressive wealth, and one of the ladies in waiting to the Princess of Scotland. Married to a former kitchen boy, made Duke after they were rewarded by the King of France for his assistance on the field against the English. Also, it does help to be propped up by royalty through individual loyalty. "Whatever is the matter?" her voice is soft, but imperative.

"Why does he not want me?" Lola asks softly. "I want so badly for him to want me."

"My friend holds his heart, Queen Lola, have you not known by now? My friend is the one that he loves, the only one he will look at, lay with. Francis is not a complicated man, he has only loved one woman in the way a woman should be loved, he has only lay with one woman. He will only lay with one woman, and that woman now carries his child again, six months after birthing him his second son. Queen Lola, you must give up this ridiculous fantasy that the King will somehow look to you and not Mary. Because he won't, and he never will. They will have their third child, and I will not be surprised if one day, he marries her. God knows they fought for it so hard before you entered his court."

You Are My Light Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now