Author's Note #2

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Hey, everybody. It's been such a long time I'm not even sure if any of the readers I wrote for during my updates are here anymore, but after such a long time, I'm finally back. What's it been, two years? I've missed you all :)

Now, I'm not sure if anybody will be reading this, I haven't kept up with this profile in such a long time, but if you are, hello once again. I know I made you guys all wait for a time that was so much longer than I said in my lost post, and I'm really sorry for that. But a lot has changed in that time that I've changed a lot as a person.

For anybody who knows me in real life, 2022 was the worst year of my life. I went through a mental health crisis and didn't write anything for over 2 years. It's only in the last couple months I began writing anything at all. It may have been for a different fandom, but it was writing nonetheless, and over the last couple weeks, I've been watching whatever I could of Reign on YouTube, and it's inspired me to come here once again.

As I said in my last AN, it was never goodbye. And it's not now, I just needed a while to work through some serious depression and other diagnosis' and personal demons and struggles. I hope anybody who was with me then is still here, and if I've gained any new readers who have read my work over the last years, then I hope you'll be with me through this next leg of writing.

Now, I'm not the same person as I was when I last updated a proper one-shot. I still don't love reign as much as I did at the time, I don't have any way to watch apart from YouTube snippets and personal memory, I can't use my PC to write anything. I don't have a lot of update time, but the inspiration niggles from time to time, and when it does, I will be here.

You won't get as many updates from me as you once did, you might go a few weeks between updates. I'm still not the best writer, my perfectionism is still there, just as my enjoyment of frary and hatred of Lola. I'm still dramatic and would love to have a ton of comments on each chaoter, that'll probably never change, but ive worked on myself over the last while to be better than i was before.

I probably won't be writing any long stories, I'll probably only be writing a couple frarytales or oneshots. But, I'm still here and I'll pop in from time to time with a couple thousand words and general frary love and angst. I wish it could be more, but my love of reign isn't nearly what it once was, and I don't have access to a PC anymore. So, I'm hoping that it'll be enough for all of you, who I never forgot in my time away.

Lots of love,



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