258 - Official *Modern*

679 11 2

Side Note - Same AU as the one where Frary is infertile and adopts children.


"Is that it?" Kenna smiles happily, handing Mary an important-looking document she's found by the front door. Mary blinks, astonished for a moment as she licks her lips, looking from the little boy with blonde hair and green eyes, who coos lovingly at her from his place in the weird looking rocker Catherine had gifted them a few days ago. It looks like the poor boy is in a pendulum, but he seems to enjoy it nonetheless.

"Yes, come right in." Mary teases. Kenna blushes a bright crimson, but jabs the letter into Mary's chest all the same.

"Yeah, yeah, you can berate me for coming into your house without a heads up, but I can't help it!" she smiles. Mary chuckles lightly, licking her lips as she takes the brown paper envelope and opens the flap. "Is it?" Kenna persists. "His adoption certificate?"

Mary takes the insides of the letter out, and smiles at the sight of a large cream coloured thick paper with black and red sophisticatedness all over it. "It is!" she smiles brightly, laughing as Kenna squeals and launches herself at her with joy. Kenna hugs her tightly.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you, Mary! You're a mum!" Kenna smiles brightly at her, cupping her face in her hands, inadvertently getting her hair all over her face. "Oh, I'm so happy." Kenna smiles, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you, thank you." Mary laughs, hugging her cousin and half sister in law back, although her embrace is much less constricting than Kenna's is. "Can you believe it? He's mine officially." Mary looks down at the baby who's giggling at them both, pressing his fingers into his mouth. "Oh, these last couple weeks have been so hard, trying to enjoy his first few weeks of life but wondering if Madeline would change her mind, I can't believe he's finally ours, officially now."

"Believe it, Mary. You're a mum now." Kenna smiles brightly at her friend. "Come on, let's go show hubby, hmm? I'll bet he's gonna want to know he's got a little boy now."

You Are My Light Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now