268 - Cyst *Modern*

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Side Note - Same AU that Mary's a doctor and delivers Claude's baby. Not the one where she's a doctor and he has Jean.


"What the hell is that?" Mary suddenly shoots up out of her chair and all but lunges at her boyfriend. He blinks in surprise as Mary barely gets balanced on the arm of his chair, before she's pulling at his hair, gently but forcefully pulling it away from his ear as she begins to poke and prod at him.

"What? Mary, stop, it's nothing." he begins to push her away, slightly irritated as he always got whenever his pretty girlfriend had done a few too many shifts at the hospital in a little too small a time, and began to diagnose everybody they came into contact with with various diseases. Kind of like what phycologists do with people they know, and even themselves.

"No, it's not nothing." she insists, prodding at the lumps behind his ear. "When the hell did these get here, and why didn't you tell me about them?" she hisses in concern, blinking as she continues to prod at his head. "Francis, don't you know how serious things around the head are?"

"Mary, stop it." he tries to push her away again, even though he cringes when she pokes at the lumps. "Stop, it's nothing, you have to leave it alone." he insists.

"I'm the doctor here, Francis. I get to say when something's nothing or not, and lumps around the ear don't just turn up unless you've got a growing cyst, which is fucking life threatening so close to the brain. Come on, I'll take you in for a quick check up, yeah? We can have Samuel do it, be in an out in an hour?"

"Darling, come on. You've overreacting."

"Francis, please? For me?"

He sighs. "I'm fine. But fine."


"Are you kidding?" Henry's brows are high up on his forehead as Mary pulls the picture down from the glowing screen. "He's got cysts growing in his head because of his last ear infection two weeks ago?"

"Yes." Mary answers evenly. "It's surprising that this happened, seeing as though I looked over him throughout when he was sick, he wasn't that bad. It must have been more inner ear then I thought. I wonder how long those have to have been there, he wasn't telling me about them."

"He's just like you, Henry. Too stubborn for his own damn good." Catherine hisses at her husband. "Why couldn't you have thought the boys to tell someone when somethings wrong with them?"

"Me? You're the one that-"

"Henry, Catherine, please. Not here." Doctor Samuel Nostradamus, the family's personal physician, states, looking away from the sedated patient and towards his parents. "This isn't the time. We can only think of how best to treat him now that we know what the cause is, what the issue is, and what the issue could turn out to be."

"What it could turn out to be?"

"If we don't treat it, Francis may develop a fever inside of his brain, causing seizures, meningitis, blood may come out of his ears or even a tumour in his brain-"

"Stop, don't say anymore." Catherine breathes, holding a hand to her heart. "Do everything you can, and quickly. Save my boy."

"He's a man, Catherine. We can't make him do anything anymore," Henry states, looking at his second-born laying in that hospital bed. "perhaps when he wakes, he'll choose what to do. And if not-" he looks too Mary. "we can get our daughter in law to try and convince."

"Mary, if-if you didn't see the shadows of the cysts, could he have killed himself with it? Not told anybody until it was too late?"

"I would have caught it at some point, but yes, he could have. But he's going to be alright, Catherine. I promise you."

"You-you saved our sons life?"

"I wouldn't go that far-"

"No, Mary. You did. You saved Francis' life, as well as Marianne's life. We-we owe you everything."


Marianne is Claude's daughters' name :)

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