249 - Home Improvements *Modern*

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The young woman grins at the sight in front of her, twirling a matted knot of hair in her fingertips and around her fingers, creating raven rings, as she leans upon the doorframe, watching the man in front of her in action. She chooses not to say anything for a moment, rather enjoying watching him move from left to right, so engrossed in his project that he hasn't even realised she's there. It doesn't really matter, Mary has always enjoyed the way her husband's' body moved, how the contours of his back muscles operate as if they're a well oiled machine. And, well, with how his body has developed since he took on his little project, Mary has other things to visually appeal to her, apart from her new kitchen. 

"Damn," she grins, making herself noticeable. He doesn't jump, rather he grins boyishly, turning to face his wife, he isn't the only one that finds his spouse more visually appealing than a kitchen. He doesn't turn all the way, though, just looks over his muscles shoulder to send a grin her way. Mary doesn't mind, she gets to see the beautiful masculinity in front of her, although she cannot see his pretty face. It's a suitable consolation prize. "times like this make me glad we were forced down the aisle."

It's almost an inside joke, how their marriage started. Arranged from when the two were in the wombs by their ridiculously rich fathers, in hopes of a business merge to make even more money. Like they'd need it. They both fought against it ever since they were seventeen and wed, but fate or whatever God is up in the sky or just random chemicals inside of them decided that the marriage was worth a shot. And what a wonderful shot it was, because look at them now. Twenty one and so contented in a very passionate union, refurbishing their third home in England now that they're trapped here for the foreseeable future. This one is nothing special, so unlike the easily-twenty-sleeper estate his father gifted them on their anniversary, and it's not anything adorably cozy like the other two homes they had bought and rent out in England, it's a three bed with a sizable garden and nobody knows who they are and how much they're worth. It's a little retreat, a slither of normality in a crazy family and a crazier world.

"Oh?" he quirks a brow, grinning to himself as he continues his work on the kitchen cabinets. "How so?" he grins.

"Well," Mary saunters up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "you've spent the last two days knocking down a hideous arse wall-" she looks at the now open spaced dining room-kitchen area with a pretty island ready to be built. "you've proved yourself a DIY God with your handiwork-" she pauses again, looking down at the cabinets he was building. "and-" she trails her hands down and down and down. "you've got a nice arse." Mary finishes with a giggle.

Francis laughs heartily, his stomach jumping up and down. Mary giggles, spinning him around so he may face her.

"You've got a nice arse yourself, Mrs. Valois." he tells his wife. Mary chuckles.

"Well, thanks." Mary runs her hands down from his newly formed -delicious- pecks and to the waistline of his navy joggers. "Did you spend all night doing this?"

"No, I woke up a couple hours ago, I thought it best to let you sleep." he answers her, taking her into his arms. Mary leans up on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his lips. It's short and sweet and loving, and it makes her happy as she touches his pretty hair that hasn't been brushed in a few days. Catherine would have a fit if she saw her favourite child keeping himself so unkempt and raggedy. 

"I love you." he tells her. "So much, you know that, don't you?"

"I love you too." she replies, leaning her head onto his chest for a warm, sleepy cuddle in the morning glow. "Thanks for my pretty kitchen." she giggles.

"Ah, my hard work is paying off, is it?"

"I'm enjoying the process, too." she gives him a look that's enough to make any man bush.

"Wonton minx." he mutters.

"Always." she licks her lips. He watches, entranced. "Always for you."


I'm alive, everybody!

I'm super super sorry about the huge delay in chapters, it's been around a month since I last updated and let me tell you what a crazy month it's been in my life, ladies and gentlemen. Unfortunately, my renovations fell through because nothing can be simple in my life, and the consequences have given me a pretty rough mental health spell, as well as a couple anxiety filled situations, but I'm super glad to finally be back behind the keyboard.  I had a few technical difficulties, too, so that's kept me away from writing for you all, so I'm super sorry about that. I feel I've developed a nasty habit of popping in every couple weeks and giving some lack lustre updates on this or Frarytales, and then I disappear for a while. I'm gonna try and break the habit, I promise, but I wanted to thank everybody for their patience and for the kind words they've said to me in the past that have made these last few weeks a little more bearable. I love you all out there :)

Anyway, I'm gonna try and get a few oneshots up this weekend, and I wanna spend next week focusing on Rule The World (since I kinda abandoned that story, woops), so if you guys have a request, let a girl know and I'll try and make it happen sooner than later. Also, look at me writing something that's not got a frary baby for the first time in ages! It's not gonna last long, since the next chapter I've got planned has got a little James in, but what's better than baby Frary?

Also, just one last thing, this one's inspired by Toby's kitchen renovations on Instagram, so thanks Toby for the inspo haha

Love you all,



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