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Dylan starts kissing down my neck and I force him to stop.
"D-D-Dylan. S-s-stop." I stutter out.
He pulls back out of my neck and looks into my eyes.
"Ryland I think I like you." He says so softly.
"W-why?" I stutter.
"Because you're perfect.-"
"No I'm not in far from it!" I interrupt without stuttering.
"Yes you are. You're perfect to me. No matter how many times you say you aren't, it kills me inside because you really are perfect."
"N-no o-one has e-e-ever said that t-to m-m-me before."
"Well I'm glad I was the first to tell you it." He says so sweetly. He kisses me lightly on the lips. "Do you wanna stay for dinner?"
"N-no that's okay. Ross will be wondering where I am." I lie.
"Please don't lie to me Ryland. I wanna help you I really do." He says and rubs my cheek with his hand.
"I-I d-don't w-wanna go h-home."
"Then why did you say you didn't wanna stay for dinner?"
"B-be c-cause I don't w-want t-the s-sympathy."
"Shh it's okay, baby. Why don't you wanna go home?"
"N-no o-ones l-likes m-me t-there."
"Please stop stuttering I can't understand you." He says and I nod slowly. I'll try. "You can stay the night with me. You'll feel wanted here. You're family does care about you they really do."
"N-no they don't. T-they hate me b-because I'm g-gay."
"Then that's there problem, okay? It's there own fault they can't accept it."
"Thank y-you d-Dylan." I say and smile a little tiny smile.
"Your welcome Ry. Come on let's go start dinner for my mom." He says and we get up and head to the kitchen.
I think I'm gonna like this. A lot.


Hey y'all! Okay so I promise promise promise to update everyday from now on!!! I feel so bad and ugh!
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