Ross knows...

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I wake a little while later to see Dylan looking down at me. He leans down and kisses me softly on the forehead and I sit up.
"I-I-I should go h-home."
"Okay baby do you want me to walk you home?"
"I d-don't care."
"Alright let's go then." He says and gets up off his bed and we start for the door.
The walk home was very calming and quiet. We didn't hold hands, to afraid someone would notice.
Once we reach my house Dylan looks around and then leans into kiss me. I kiss back briefly afraid Ross or my parents would see.
"N-not o-outside." I stutter blushing 50 shades of red.
"Okay. Goodbye Ryland. I'll see you tomorrow on the bus." He says quietly and kisses me briefly one more time. He turns around and starts to walk down the driveway. It's getting dark out but there's still light.
I turn around and open the door. But now I wish I had not.
"What the fuck was that Ryland?"
"Bullshit! Why the fcuk did Dylan just kiss you?!" He yells furious.
"H-h-he d-d-did-n-not."
"Don't lie when I just saw it! I can't believe you. God you're so gross!" He says furious at me. Tears brim my eyes. "Why are you doing this? Huh Ryland? People who are fags are nasty. What will mom and dad think when I tell them?"
"P-p-please d-don't."
"Why shouldn't I? It's not right keeping secrets."
"R-Ross p-please t-this I-is w-why I-I d-did-n't w-w-want to t-tell y-y-you."
"No Ryland! You know better than to be gay."
"I-I c-c-can't h-help I-it!"
"Cut the bullshit already!" Ross says and comes closer to me. "You should die right now and no body would care. No body cares about worthless fags like you!" He yells furiously.
Tears roll off my cheeks and I try to hide them but it's useless.
"Ross Shor what do you think you're doing?" Someone yells from the doorway. It's dad.
"Telling this faggot to go kill himself!"
"That is your brother, and you will not speak to him like that. Got it?" Dad says sternly.
"No dad! He gay! Ryland is a fcuking fag!"
"Don't you dare talk to him that way! He's your brother and it doesn't matter what he is! You weren't raised to bad mouth your own brother."
"Yeah well we were raised to not be a worthless faggot too." Ross says and glares at me.
"Dammit Ross knock it off!"
"N-n-no d-dad. H-h-he's r-right. I-I-I a-am a w-worthless f-fag who s-should d-d-die." I stutter and drop to the floor crying into my knees. I feel an arm go around my shoulders and pull me into their chest.
"Shh Ry don't talk like that. You know that's not true." He says softly while rubbing my hair and rocking slowly.
"Y-y-yes it I-is. N-no b-body... L-l-loves m-me. T-they t-t-think I-I'm a n-nasty p-person."
"I love you. You're mom loves you Ry. And I know Ross does too."
"The hell I do! I hate the damn queer." Ross says and it breaks my heart even more.
"Go to your room Ross now. You're not helping anything."
"Fcuk you all." He says and storms to our room. The door slams shut and music Soon turns on.
"Ryland? Has anybody ever bullied you at school?"
"A-all t-t-the t-time why?"
"What? Why didn't you tell me this before?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders. "Alright we'll deal with that later. Now how come Ross is saying you're gay?"
"B-b-be-c-cause I a-am." I say and sob into his chest again.
"Shhh come on Buddy. It's okay that you are. It doesn't matter to me. I still love you with all of my heart." He says and rocks back and forth again. "Now how do you know you're gay?"
"W-well I-I-I..." I say but get cut off by dad.
"Shh you don't have to seem so scared Ry. I won't be mad. I won't hurt you I promise." He says and pulls me out of his chest so I can look at his face.
"R-Ross's friend D-Dylan asked m-me out a few d-days ago. I-I wasn't t-to sure. Then l-last n-night Ross had a p-party. A-and someone d-dared me and R-Ross to g-give e-each other a b-blowjob. Well I l-liked it. A-a lot. I'm so s-sorry." I say and put my face back into his chest.
"Shhh stop it's okay. I'm not mad I promise. Just shocked I guess that you two did that." He says. "Anyway, why don't we go make supper just you and me?"
"O-okay." I say and start to get out of his lap. But then I stop. "D-dad?"
"Yeah Ry?"
"I-I love y-you." I say and look down.
"I love you to buddy. Never forget that. I may not be home all that much but I'm going to make a bigger effort to try to be. I'll always love you son." He says and kisses my cheek.
I stand up off his lap and we walk to the kitchen. It's been awhile since this has happened. But I have missed it so much.
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