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Hi, my name is Remi and I come from a long line of shape shifters. There are many shapeshifting groups, I am in the shapeshifting group of the foxes. If you want to know, we have one rival shifting group. The owls. I don't know how it happened in the first place but from what I can tell, and what my parents have told me, one of the owl families and one of the fox families had a big argument blah, blah, blah and here we are. It's early in the day and I wanted to go hunting but my mom stopped me.


"Yes mom?"

"The elders contacted me, they wanted to let you know that they want to meet with you."

"What for?"

"You'll see."

"Mommmmm, tell me!"

"Calm down, just wait."

My Skulk is a very advanced group, so we have lots of different areas also know as Compounds. Compound one is the dining area. Compound two is the training area. Compound three is our sleeping quarters. Compound four is the lake/swimming area. Lastly Compound five is the hunting and shifting area.

I head out into Compound five to get ready to shapeshift. I always enjoy shifting, it's fun, it still hurts sometimes though, but i've gotten used to it. I hear a branch cracking somewhere to my left, I flex my ears to hear better.

"Who's that? Come out right now"

"Chill cuz, it's just me."

"Oh Axel, it's you. Don't scare me like that"

"Sorry cuz. Do you want to head back?"

"Sure Ax"

We get back to the gathering area that's connected to all the compounds. I go and sit down to rest and prepare myself for the meeting.

"Oi Remi, what are you thinking about?"

"I have a meeting with the elders today."

"What do you think they want?"

"I don't know, but I don't think it's something good."

"Oh! maybe they'll assign you your first mission!"

"I don't think so, it's too soon to get my first mission."

"Still, you never know"

-time skip to when Remi goes to visit the elders-

"I'm here to see the elders."

"Go ahead."

"What did you need to see me for?"

The elders have always been very strict and scary, they don't appear that much, mostly for meetings and such or gatherings, so we don't see them that often.

"We the elders, have decided to give you your first mission."

"Wait really? Isn't it too soon though?"

"Well.. we think this mission is suited more for you, so we think you will carry it out successfully, your mission will start later today, I will alert your parents when you can go to Compound five and start."

"So, what is the mission, if I may ask?"

"Glad you asked. You know our rivals the owls correct?"

"Of course."

"Well.. today you'll be hunting one of the owls."


"Well.. we have a little.. something we need to settle with them."

"What is the owls name that i'll be hunting?"

"We don't know the owl's name, but you can identify them from their golden eyes, they should be flying around in their animal form, near Compound five.

"Got it, thank you so much everyone."

"That is all, you may go now."

I start to walk back to the gathering area, and look for my mom so I can tell her the news. I see my cousin first.

"Hey cuz, how'd the meeting go??"

"Oh hey axel, it went pretty good actually."

"Oh really? What'd they want to talk to you about?"

"Well.. I got my first mission!"

"No way! Good job dude."

"Yeah thanks, also have you seen my mom?"

"Oh yeah, I saw her go to Compound one."

"Ok thanks, i'll catch you later."

"Alright cuz."

I head over to Compound one and look for my mom, I see her sitting down on one of the tables and talking to one of her friends.

"Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie! How'd the meeting go?"

"I got my first mission."

"That's good!"

"Thanks, the elders said they would alert you when it's time?"

"Oh yeah, that's what they usually do."

"Oh alright, well i'm going to head back to the gathering area."

"Ok, i'll see you later, but be sure to have your phone on, you don't know how soon they'll call me."

as I am walking back to the gathering area, I get a call from my mom."

"Remi, it's time."

"Oh wait really, ok i'll start heading over to Compound 5."

"I start heading over Compound five, and shift. Just like the elders said, I see the owl with golden eyes flying around in the distance, I squint my eyes so I can see the owl better. *Their eyes are so mesmerizing. Focus Remi! You have a mission to do!* I start running to get motion so I can jump some branches to get higher, so it's easier to see the owl so I can bring it back to the elders. *Ah, they've noticed me, they're flying faster. Sometimes I wish I was able to fly, this would be so much faster and easier. Oh no, i'm losing sight of it!* I start sprinting, making better use of my hind legs, the Compounds are fading from my point of view as I get further into the forest. *I think i'm lost.* I turn my head around to see if I caught up to the owl. *it's no use, I lost it. Oh no, what am I going to say to the elders, ahhh i'm in big trouble*

I slowly start making my way back to Compound five, afraid of what's to come. I don't want to face my mom or the elders empty handed, this won't turn out good. I avoid my mom and go straight to the elders place where I last saw them, and get ready for my punishment from coming back empty handed.

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