Chapter 1

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-Athena's POV-

*This is going to be so hard trying to convince my parents to let me go to school. I get why they're worried, I do but i'm not a kid anymore, i'm 15!! If I was in school I would be a sophomore in high school. I should make a speech to convince them, ooh let's write it don! C'mon Athena you got it!!

Speech: Mom, dad. Hi. You probably know what I am going to say to you, but seriously, hear me out. I am going to give you a few reasons on why you should let me go to high school. Reason one, you guys know how lonely I am, I don't even have any owl friends, and that's saying something! Also Olive doesn't count. Even you guys have friends and you guys are old! Reason two, I could learn so much more stuff, even more than you guys! even though you guys know a lot, if I go to school i'll behave and don't worry, I won't let any of those nasty foxes get me, I know they'll for sure be some at the school. I know you're probably skeptical because of yesterday and because I got chased, but don't worry I outflew the fox! It wasn't that hard actually, I wasn't even using all of my speed but maybe that's because he lost me after I hid in one of the trees, but that's besides the point! Just please, I really want to go!

*ooh, this sounds so good, they'll have to let me go with this speech! Ok, i'll them them this later today, once they finish their meeting with the council.* I start walking to where Sector two is, all that writing made me hungry. I see one of my "friends"

"Hey Moon."

"UghhI told you not to call me that!"

"Sorry, can't help it, it's what everyone calls you."

"I really need to get my parents to stop calling me that. Are my parents out of the meeting with the council yet?"

"I don't think so, sorry."

"it's fine, thanks."

"Hey Moon, can I talk to you about something?

"Sure, what's up?"

"Can we head to Sector four? I don't really want to say it with everyone here.."

"Alright then."

Olive and I start walking to Sector 4, if you didn't know we have different sectors in our parliament. Sector one is our training area. Sector two is the dining area. Sector three is our sleeping quarters, and Sector four is our hunting and shifting area. I heard the foxes have something similar to our sectors, but I don't know what theirs are called. We arrive at Sector four and sit down so olive can say what she needs to say.

"Hey so Athena?"


"Well, the reason i wanted to talk to you was because.."

"Hey, don't worry you can tell me anything!"

"Well, I don't want to be mean and brag but the council chose me.. for you know what."


"I'm sorry! I didn't want to keep it from you, and I know we're really only family friends, but I felt bad not telling you."

"I'm joking Olive, i'm really proud of you, that's a big accomplishment."

"Wait, so you're not mad at me?"

"No you big dummy!"

"Oh my gosh that was so scary!"

"Hahahaha sorry, I wanted to scare you."

"Don't worry since I got chosen, they'll definitely have to choose you next! Maybe that's why your parents are in the meeting with the council!"

"Oh my gosh, I really hope so, if not I even wrote a whole speech to convince them."

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