Chapter 3

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A/N Note: Hey hey hey friends! Sorry I didn't post, I got pretty busy with my school and sports, and in general this week was a bad week so I just wanted to apologize but it's finally the weekend, please bear with me as I try to write this book and keep you all updated, sorry for the late and short chapter but thank you- Sami

-Elijah's POV-  

(TW: Mentions Of Domestic Abuse)

This is not going to be good, a boarding school?! Dad is going to get so mad, he is not going to like this, just like he didn't like me bringing Athena to the infirmary, I got a few hits for that one. Do the elders know about my dad being abusive? No, and I intend to keep it that way. Nobody can know, that'll cause something way worse than I can even begin to speak about. He wasn't always like this of course, it was different before when we were a happy family, when my mom was still around, but bad things happen, they always do. My mom died about a year ago from a car accident and ever since then everything changed, some things for the better like meeting Moon and Olive and getting chosen, but other things for the worse like my dad becoming abusive, or having to leave the only home i've ever really known. I haven't told my dad that I got chosen yet, i'm afraid of what he'll do, but I have to. The punishment would be worse if I don't tell him at all. I hear him walk inside and come in through the front door.

"Hi dad.." I hesitantly say

"Get me a beer, you stupid mistake" He says while proceeding to sit on the couch.

"Sorry, got it." I said rushingly.

I go get his beer from the fridge, and take it to him.

"Hey dad.. I have to tell you something.." I say while giving him his beer.

"What do you want." He judgingly said.

"Well.. I got chosen." I said.

"You're not going, end of discussion." He angrily said.

"But dad! This is a once in a life opportunity!" I said slightly yelling at him.

"Watch your tone son." He spat out.

"But dad!" I say pushing my luck farther than I should have.

"I said END OF DISCUSSION, now get out of my sight!" He angrily said once more.

"Fine.." I breathed.

I walk out of the house and go look for Moon, she is good at making people smile, I could really use one of those right now. *Where would she be* I think to myself *oh! Maybe she's in sector two* I say to myself. I head over to sector two and I was right, she is there.

"Hey Moon." I say.

"Oh hi Eli!" She says enthusiastically.

"Nothing much, what about you?" I say to her.

"Nothing, although i'm getting nervous for tomorrow for when we leave." she says nervously.

"Don't be, you have Olive and I." I say.

"Although I sure am nervous.." I mutter quietly under my breath.

"Yeah, your right!" She says with a smile.

"Oh hey Moon, I meant to ask you this yesterday,  but can I have your number?" I ask politely.

"E-eh, what for?!" she says confused.

"Oh, just so in case we don't get in the same dorm and don't have any classes together, we can keep in touch." I reply

"Oh, sure!" she finally says

"I'll see you soon, Moon." I say to her.

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