Chapter 11

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Remi's POV

It's been a few weeks since I have started at this school, and I won't admit it to any one else, but i'm starting to like this place. I've also gotten closer to Athena, and Aries, we have become good friends. I think I might ask them to hang out or something. I've also learned that I have shifting with Athena, and Elijah. Athena told me about her fight with Elijah and how they still haven't talked to each other. I'm in shifting right now, and I think during lunch i'll ask Athena and Aries to hang out. It's now time for lunch and I decide for today to get a salad. I spot Athena sitting down with Aries and they are just talking to each other, I head over there and sit down.

"Hey guys, I wanted to ask something." I say

"What's up?" they ask simultaneously

"I know we're in the same dorm and all, but do you guys wanna hangout? I have stuff planned." I tell them

"Sure!" Athena exclaims

"That sounds fun, sure." Aries replies

"Ok, then i'll see you at our dorm after school." I announce

"Ok." they say unanimously

~After School~

I arrive at my dorm after a long day at school, waiting for Athena and Aries to get here. I check the time, they should be here right about now I think, and right on cue they walk through the door together.

"Yo!" "Hey" they say together

"You guys ready?" I ask

"Yep!" they say

"Ok first up.. drumroll please." I ask

They both do a cringe drumroll and I silently chuckle to myself.

"Mario kart!" I exclaim

"Yay! I'm so good at Mario kart!" Athena boasts

"I'm gonna beat you!" Aries exclaims

"No i'm gonna beat you both!" I tell them

We start setting up the game, putting it into the console, I choose Mario, Athena chooses Yoshi, and Aries chooses King boo. We keep picking things until we are ready. Right now I am in first place.

"Haha yes! I've passed you Remi!" she says

We are on the last lap and I am in second place, Athena is right in front of me. Athena crosses the finish line ahead of me.

"YES YES YES" she screams

"NOOOOOO" I yell

"Yay!" Aries says


"Just check your screen, dummy" he says

"WAIT WHAT" I scream

I check the screen

"NOOOOOOO, HOW???!!!!" I yell

"It's a secret!" Aries whispers

"UGHHHHHH." I yell


"Cake competition!!" I exclaim

"Yay!" they both say

(Photo Reference)

"Cool!" Aries exclaims

I grab the mixing bowl and all the ingredients. Athena and Aries both do the same. I start putting all the ingredients in my bowl. Once I am done they help me pour the cake batter into a cake pan and stick it in the over. Waiting for the cake to be finished is antagonizing. Finally the timer goes off and we take the cake out of the oven. After the cake cools off I start to frost and decorate the cake. We spread green icing all over the cake. At the bottom of the cake, I draw cute little mushrooms and flowers. Off to the side I roll some green fondant into medium sized circles. which takes forever because it takes a while to roll out the circles. I get three small pieces of fondant and make eyes and a mouth. I get more green fondant and shape it into four things that are supposed to resemble arms and legs and stick them onto the circle. I place my makeshift frog onto the cake and voila, frog cake. Now it is Athena's turn. She does relatively the same things as me, when it comes to making the cake, except she takes a different approach to making the fondant and decorations and such. She decides to use something called "Marzipan" as a substitute for what I used as fondant. She goes around and ices her cake with the same green frosting that I used. Then decorates it with the marzipan. And last but not least, it is Aries' turn. He gathers all the ingredients and puts them on the table, but then a huge white smoke cloud appears in front of us.

"Aries what did you do?????" I say as I cough

"Um.. I may or may not have dropped the flour?" he says

"Ahhhh Aries it's all over us!" Athena yells

"Sorry!" he apologizes

He gets a new bag of flour and pour his cake batter into the pan, and puts it in the oven. When it is done, he takes it and puts green frosting all over it. He does the same thing as me for the decorations. Somehow his looks much better then mine and Athena's. The final task is to eat our cake. I decide to save my cake for later though. Athena and Aries have no hesitation and just decide to eat their cakes automatically. I can see their faces light up as they eat their cake. Very weird but adorable. I'm glad I became their friends even if they're weirdos, i'm glad I failed that mission and got to come here.

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