Chapter 46 ~ I Found Y/N

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My plan was finally going to be set in action. I don't know how many days I have been locked up. But every once in awhile the door would open and one of the two will come in here to spout utter nonsense and throw food at me like I was a dog. 

My stomach growled in hunger but there was no way I was going to eat any of the stuff they gave me. I held my stomach staring feeling the rumble. I had to ignore it and focus on getting out of here. I still couldn't see anything thanks to what Enenra called his shadows. 

All I have to do is wait for one of them to come into the room again and I can make my escape. I felt around the floor once more feeling for where the door was. I needed to make sure I had enough space and time to make a run for it.

My hand slowly slipped across the tiny slit in the way that signified the door. I slowly stood up following the slit and once again there was still no knob. I scoffed. Of course, there still wouldn't be a knob after my 100th time checking.

I slowly dropped back down to the ground and slowly scooted back on the floor counting the steps from the door to the end of the room. It was no more than 20 of my feet. I sat with my back against the wall and pulled my legs to my chest. 

I had the whole room mentally mapped out now. The whole room was about 20 of my feet from the door to the wall another 20 from the wall on my left to the one on the right. The walls had no items or windows on them at least as far as my hands were able to reach. There was some kind of makeshift metal bed on one side, which must've been where they put me the first time I came here. 

It was bolted to the floor so I couldn't pick it up and use it as a weapon. All I had to do now was wait for the door to open again and blindly make a run for it. I hope the next person to come out was Enenra. 

As much as the man disgusted me to my core he was the one I could actually take. Yes, he may have bigger muscles and could easily overpower me I still had a chance with him. 

Gee was too powerful for me. From what I understand about her quirk with just a simple touch she could paralyze me. This also brings another question to my head. 

When was my quirk coming back?

I could still feel it in my body so it wasn't gone I just couldn't access it. Surely she has limits of how much she can cancel out. Everyone has limits to their powers. Maybe it was like Mr. Aizawa's but she hasn't been looking at me all this time and surely her eyes would not have been able to stare at me for long periods of time. 

It had to be something else...

My thoughts were interrupted by my stomach growling once again. Goddamn, I was so hungry but I had to keep it together. The only thought that kept me going was the freedom I would get from escaping. I salivated at the thought of all the foods I would stuff my face with once I got out of here. 

I would hug my friends and never let go. I felt even more determined than ever to make my escape. If I can just make it out that door there is sure to be light out then these shadows whatever will most likely stop.

My heart dropped at the realization that they probably won't and I got Enenra's quirk all wrong. They could just kill me right there and then. 

I shook my head roughly pushing out the thoughts. Those are all problems for future Y/N. All I need to do I focus on getting out in the first place.

I lay my head in my chest waiting for what seemed to be forever for the door to open again. I started to feel faint. I let out a sad laugh. The lack of food, water, and a decent night's sleep was finally catching up to me. I should really get out of here before I pass out. Who knows what they will do to me while unconscious. 

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