Chapter 52

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Shortly after we pulled into the yard and I sat waiting for Dan to assist me from the car I saw that he was standing by his door speaking quietly into his phone.

I was hoping he didn't have to make any trips out of the country I was not looking forward to having him miles away. I pulled the car door and made to get out when he rushed to assist me with a frown.

"What's the rush?" he asked taking my hand.

"You seem busy with your call so...," I let my voice trail off as he closed the door. I was once again slipping into my forlorn mood.

It seemed Daniel realized this because he pulled me in his arms and kissed me passionately and I melt into his embrace loving him and wanting him even more.

"Think we could take this upstairs?" I said against his lips before I kissed him gently and nibbled on his lower lip.

I felt him smile but when he pulled away I felt my mood once again set in. I was being selfish but I just needed my friends and family here, however, I guess I would have to settle for a tub of Crazy Jym and a few more episodes of I-Zombie. Just the life of a pregnant wife.

"Hey," I said with a smile I hope was convincing, "Go to Mama I'll just go in and rest up."

"Les?" he said holding into my hand as I made to move. "Lets go inside."

I tried not to show my elation but seeing Daniel was not rushing off had me feeling all relieved even though I knew he had other obligations. I know I should tell him to go about his business with Mama and I was about to tell him to go as a feeling of guilt tug at my conscience, but all words died on my lips when he opened the door and I was taken aback by surprise at all that stood before me.


I stood and looked from the doorway at the scenery before me then I turned to a pleased Daniel who was grinning broadly. I blinked in awe as I looked back to the beautiful display and the room filled with all of the persons who told me they had something to do so they could not be with me.

I felt tears filled my eyes as I walk from the doorway my eyes taking in the light blue and white balloons formed to make pacifiers with a banner between them that read 'OH BOY'

On a table stood stock of gifts while another had an array of party snacks befitting the baby shower that was at hand. I was at a loss for words as I stared at my family, friends, and colleagues all beaming at me in the gayly decorated living room, a living room that I left earlier devoided of all that it now held.

I felt Daniel's hand rest in its familiar spot on my lower back as I was lead to a chair that had balloons tied to it and a sign that read. Mother of the Prince. I wanted to bawl my eyes out but I just look around me and let the love that I need seep into my being and filled me with pleasure.

My man took my hand and place me to sit on my makeshift throne. A tiara, a silk robe of ruby red, and a sash that read. Mother of a Prince was placed on me and I felt like a Queen. I did not expect what happened next.

Daniel made a bow and took from his pocket a small wrapped box and place it at my feet and all who were present from Mama to Myra, to Trevor and Cynthia along with my girlfriends, Daniel's two brothers, Ian and Abbey with my sweet little niece, that's what Abbey's daughter will always be to me, followed by my colleagues all followed suit.

There and then was when I started to cry. To watch each one bow then gifted me a token reverently placed at my feet was an overwhelming act.
I wiped my cheeks but more tears kept on flowing and more so as I felt my little warrior moved within me. I placed my hand upon my protruding stomach and look around at everyone with adoration and appreciation but when my eyes rested on my husband undeniable love courses through my veins with each beat on my heart.

I gave a little sob as I tried to calm myself and stop the tears but the smiles and look of love, as well as happiness that surrounds me, just kept the tears flowing. I was on full bawl my eyes out mode when Daniel walked up to me reach for my hand helped me stand took a handkerchief and wiped my face gently before leaning down to kiss me. I however was in tears again as Brian's Mcknight's Back At One filled the room and my husband took me into his arms and started to dance with me.

I buried my face in his chest as I wrapped him in my arms inhaling his sweet musky masculine scent. I wanted to be nowhere else but here with him and all the people that I adored.

I listened as he sang softly the chorus to me and I melted some more. I never once thought that from a backseat of a car to an impromptu marriage could have brought forth so much love and happiness for me, but it did, and also it brought so much more.


"Yes, baby?"

"I love you."

"Ooh, Dan I love yuh more."

He laughed and said teasingly. "If you don't stop cry Mama photos going to show yuh a bawl down the place."

I look over to Mama and sure enough there she was poised and ready to snap away at us along with a few others. I gave a watery smile and turned back my eyes to him.

"A yuh guys cause it," I told him "Look wha yuh do," I said gesturing to the assembly around me, "how yuh expect mi not to bawl."

"My beautiful wife," he said and I open my mouth to dispute it as I was very conscious that my once petite frame had packed on the required baby pounds and my feet were swollen as well as my fingers. "Sshhh" a kiss to my lips silenced me before he continued, "My darling you deserve this and so much more, and I will do everything that it takes to let you know I appreciate you. My Wife, My Love, My Life."

We kissed then and cheers erupted as the song ended. I heard someone said "Lawd guys yuh a gi mi baby fever!"

Whoops of laughter and various comments followed as I lean into Dan and laughed. I pulled slightly from him and as I looked out at the small gathering again I knew my drama-filled life had to lead me to the place where I belonged.

"Eehhemm" I heard a familiar voice said and I look to see Estelle standing and the front beaming as she held a studded mike in her hand. "As MC of this here celebration am going to ask the prince mother to take a seat as we proceed with our Baby Shower/ Mother/ Friend and more so Soul Sista Appreciation Jamaican style, so can I have a Hip Hip Hurray for our Sista"

Claps and cheers of Hip Hip Hurray! rang out into the joyous and friendly atmosphere as I took my seat and lost myself in another splendid occasion that was bestowed upon my life.

I closed my eyes for a minute and thought of my mother and departed siblings and told myself they were the guardian angels that were watching over me. I was blessed being measure and in my heart, I silently thanked God for every second he gave me to be Mrs. Julian Daniel Myers because it was this that made me who I am today.

When I opened my eyes Estelle was announcing that it was time to eat and then some fun and interesting games ahead.

I smiled at her and she winked at me. This was the continuation of a life that I would forever be thankful for.
My smile broadens as my girls came up to me giggling and I told them I was going to get them back.

The evening turned out to be fun and filled with excitement and our honored MC had everyone participating in games and activities that had them bubbling in laughter. When she had the male figures in the room trying to give birth to balloons I felt something I was not sure I was ready for.
Irie Irie Man 😁

I am so happy to see you are still here with my little story. So glad you stuck with me and His Wife. I give you my ❤❤❤.

So how did you like this chapter? I can't help but be happy to see where Leslie and Dan are coming from and where they are headed.

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