Chapter 55

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It has been close to twenty-five minutes to be exact since Leslie had practically pounced on me in our villa room. The memory made me smile.

The sight of her beside me as we walked as maid of honor and best man had my loins tingling. I was more than ready to go into full onslaught on her beautifully clad body that now boasted the plump suppleness that came with motherhood.

I took in once again how that alluring body was defined in her red dress with its dangerously daring mid-thigh slit. I wanted to part the slit further and use the red rose that was tucked behind her ear to trail that enticing path from her red-painted toes to her thong-covered crotch. Damn! Red on Leslie was hell on legs.

As we continued down the aisle made of white silk carpeting between the pews on the green lawns that gave view to the hazy horizon and captivating tortoise beach below our eyes met briefly and I could see her love and desire for me. I felt as proud as a peacock that this beautiful and splendid woman was mine.

She smiled her red lips parting to offer a smile to me that bespoke twisted sheets and sweaty bodies. Images raw and dirty plagued my mind as I thought how devilishly delightful it would be to have those red lips lock around me as she suckles me in hot and wanton primitive desire.

'Rass!' I heard my inner voice snapped. 'Get a hol' a yuhsef man.'

I quickly pulled my eyes from her and trained them on the man of the moment who stood tall and handsome yet slightly flustered under the garlon of canopied running flowers. He was much safer to look at than his sister. He stood dashing and handsome as he gazed beyond the bridal procession to the door for his soon-to-be wife with open anticipation.

I smiled as I looked at him similarly dressed in black dress pants, a red shirt with a reed-thin black bow tie and a white single-breasted suit jacket with a solitary white rose upon its breast pocket. His intricately designed locks gave a full view of a face that boasted impatience. Ian was more than ready for his bride.

My smile broadens. It was clear knowledge to all that Ian would have taken Abbey to a registered office and have their marriage done without the full flair of what was about to unfold in a matter of minutes. It had taken Abbey's desire and will to have her dream wedding to prevent such a happening.

Also, his wife to be as well as his family and friends wanted this day to stand as a symbol of how far they have come and the odds they have triumphed over.

For a minute I was filled with the dismal feelings of the past as I thought back to how close we came to losing Ian. I watched as the tragedy that was constituted by his ex Veronica took him to death door more than once, but the stubborn bastard decided he would fight for the love he found and the care he had from his family and friends.

I was more than happy that he made it through as I was sure that if Ian had died Leslie would have lost a part of her that would forever be lost to both our son and myself. I was also more than grateful to the man who took from his pocket a neatly folded kerchief and wiped his sweaty brow as he stared at the door he made all of us able to have another moment that we all can be thankful for.

I took my place beside Ian as the others took their places; the bride's maids and Leslie on the left Ian's groom's men and me on the right. We all watched as Abbey's daughter came and throw her rose petals and little Adam her cousin holding the rings on his heart shape cushion with confidence and pride strut down the aisle with importance.

The familiar wedding march being played by a violinist started, the doors from the Villa were opened wider, and in came Abigail the exquisite epitome of bridal beauty. As the ceremony unfolded I had eyes for no one but the woman who stood across from me. Our eyes met and I mouthed.

"I love you."

She blushed sweetly and returned. "I love you too."

Today February 14, 2012, as Ian and Abbey made their vows I stood and silently made a few to the man upstairs who granted me more than I could ever ask for. I felt my heartbeat with a thousand emotions as I stared without care at my wife.

All my feelings were written on my face as emotions so strong gripped my heart and surged through me then encased my heart further in love.

In the year and few months that Leslie has become a part of my life, I have been blessed in ways I never have envisioned. I have experienced restoration, growth, and an abundance of love that flows freely throughout our circle.

My eyes flickered to Estelle who's now more centered and compassionate to the needs of others and so devoted to her career than getting by on her looks and wild persona and my heart swell with pride. There was Neisha and Kimberly who were Leslie's ride-or-die girls who never once since they have mended their friendship left her out. It was a pleasure to see that Cynthia had found her way into the league of Jamaican Divas.

They were all strong women for who I would forever be grateful. They all helped to cement together the foundation that I wanted to set my son's future upon. I knew without a doubt that if anything should arise they will not hesitate to step in and see that it came out to the best of their potential.

I let my eyes slid over to Mama and Myra who sat smiling broadly with pride as they now and then looked from the scene before them to their grandson who sat between them contentedly sucking on a pacifier in his carrier.

All around in beautifully decorated pews were co-workers, family members, and friends who were deeply appreciative that Ian and Abigail had a chance at their own love story.

Ian too had His Wife. He held a treasure that was beyond those buried by both fabled and real pirates in the deep warm sands of the island paradise that birthed the rare women we were both blessed with.

I let my eyes traveled back to the man and woman that was instructed to seal the vows they had made. I watched as they kissed their love evident to all present. I knew like them I would be forever happy in love with my wife.

"I know pronounce to you Mr. and Mrs. Ian Chambers."

Whistles, cheers, and claps had erupted as they pulled apart and face the standing congregation that was filled with delight. When they walked the aisle and lead the way from the garden ceremony with the warm day being cooled by the wafting sea breeze I gripped my wife to my waist and felt like I was on cloud nine as I too was a proud and happy husband who would forever and always cherish His Wife.

My darlings, we have come to the end of His Wife.

His Wife has made it to the final chapter. I am happy to say I am so glad you have journeyed with my characters partake in their ups and downs and never failed to support them.
Thank you. 😍

Leave your comments and your votes and take with you my gratitude.

Birdeyze ~♡

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