A Normal Day With You

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As the previous day confused Wen Lan's mind again, he decided to stay a bit away from Ju Xin to clear his thoughts. When they started the journey, he didn't expect Ju Xin to be that nice. Maybe, it was because he didn't remember anything, but it didn't change the fact that he tried to save Wen Lan's life twice already by sacrificing his own life. Unfortunately, Ju Xin was acting very much like the first time Wen Lan met him, the very first time he fell in love with him, so it didn't help Wen Lan's desire to take revenge.

Therefore, before Ju Xin woke up, he left the room, but got caught by the head of town as the inn owner informed him about the mysterious visitors. Suddenly, Wen Lan found himself sitting on a bench, surrounded by curious town people. They were looking at him with excitement as well as fear.

What if I shout 'boo!'?  Wen Lan wondered. Would they scatter around, leaving him alone? He decided to try it, but the town head was faster.

"We saw weird lights and heard wailing last night. Then Lao Han told us that two guys came from the shore, wet from head to toe. So, we want you to tell us what happened if it is okay with you."

The old guy was very polite and he was the only one in the group who wasn't looking at him as if he was a rare species, so Wen Lan decided to delay the boo!

"To make the long story short, the boatmen were tricking people to get their money by using He Bo's name. We noticed that and refused to pay. Then, they pushed us from the boat, but we climbed back and pushed them instead. Suddenly, the souls of the people whom they killed appeared and killed them, then we paddled here and that's the end of the story," Wen Lan narrated everything with a single breath and decorated that magnificent story with a simper.

Everyone was taken aback, so they couldn't utter a word, just gaping at Wen Lan. Seizing the opportunity, the Ghost King ran away to the town.

While he was wandering around aimlessly, Ju Xin woke up alone in the room. Wondering where Wen Lan was, he wore his dark green robe and went downstairs. As the crowd was still there, discussing the story they heard, Ju Xin guessed that Wen Lan was in the town, hiding from the endless questions.

Although for others, Wen Lan could seem cold and arrogant, for Ju Xin, he was very caring and cute. Also, he saved his life twice, so he wouldn't dare to think bad about him. Thinking back about the times when Wen Lan helped him, Ju Xin suddenly noticed that he was mostly the receiver, the dependent one in their relationship. This revelation made him feel guilty and he longed to do something for Wen Lan. But what? He didn't have much money and knew literally nothing about Wen Lan's liking.

On the road to the town centre, Ju Xin pondered on the issue and finally came up with a plan. Hastening his steps, he reached his destination. Asking several people, he found a pawn shop and exchanged his only treasure which was a jade pendant with money.

Then he started looking around for Wen Lan. Luckily, as Ju Xin predicted he was resting under a secluded tree. It was truly a breathtaking view; Wen Lan was lying down, his head resting on his arms, his long hair spread around him, and his beautiful eyes close. The pinkish petals of the sakura tree were falling now and then on him, creating a nice contrast with his blue robe. He looked so peaceful and beautiful that Ju Xin forgot to breathe for a second.

Unfortunately, Ju Xin wasn't able to watch him for a long time as suddenly Wen Lan opened his eyes, looking straight at him.

"Why are you standing there?" Wen Lan asked, quirking an eyebrow.

Ju Xin was embarrassed to his very core as he was caught red-handed. "I-I just came to... get you."

"Get me? For what?" Apparently, it was the end of his run.

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