8. The Other Side

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A.N. This chapter is from the perspective of Ian.

I don't know for how long I ran. I just wanted to get away. How could Jack do this to me? Jack knew about my powers for some time, and he did that without telling me. He could have just let me go, broke up with me, called the SBC but, no. Jack had to do this. Did Jess know? Why didn't she warn me?

I kept running until the air in my lungs started to burn and my legs wanted to give out. My vision wouldn't clear as the deep sadness and anger kept me in this miserable state. Right now, I would give anything to just be run over. I don't care if the SBC takes me or that somebody hits me with their car.

Maybe the mystery sender was right? I should have watched others who are closest to me. Jess was right... This whole time she was warning me about him and I didn't listen. I reach up to my face to see how bad the stinging pain is. The merest touch sends jolts of pain through my face. Jack did a number on me.

The streets are fairly empty so I collapse with my back to a nearby tree. It might have been the exhaustion or the sheer emotional weight that I couldn't tolerate. If I could see my aura, I would be a wreck. All I can do is sob and wait for him to find me. Where do I go? What do I do? I don't know for how long I sat there - crouched and curled up by the tree. But I heard a car pull up near the sidewalk and then a door open and close. I didn't want to look up because I feared Jack - I knew he would come after me to finish what he started.

Footsteps approached, and I sobbed louder, tightening the grip around my knees. "Hey, you don't look so good." That voice.

I raised my head and looked at the stranger. "A-Aidan!" I exclaimed through tearful sobs. Maybe I should have jumped up and greeted him with some dignity, but I couldn't muster up the strength needed.

The dark-haired guy spoke softly as he knelt to reach my eye-level. "What happened?" There was worry and sadness in his voice yet I could not see how he felt. In a way, it was comforting to not see it. I didn't know if he was being genuine or trying to get something out of me in this weak state I found myself in. Experiencing all the deception and dishonesty is what led me to this point, so not knowing gave the air of mystery to his intentions.

I wipe away some of the salty water clouding my sight to meet his eyes properly. Honesty. I have to tell someone... "He-he hit me a-and I-I stabb-ed -him." Instinctively, I avert my eyes and hide. I did stab him. I stabbed Jack. The feeling of tearing and rending flesh before hitting bone. How does it feel? Is he in a lot of pain? What have I done? If I had known that he knew I was a holder, then none of this would have happened.

Aidan's hand lands on my shoulder like a feather and gives a gentle squeeze. "Ian, you are safe. No one will hurt you, and that's a promise, 'kay?" I look up at him, and there is a warm and worried smile on his face.

The silence draws out as I don't know what to say in response. Aidan notices that and decides to break it. "I know that this tree is comfortable and all that, but soon it is going to get cold." He shoots a few looks around before sitting down next to me. Aidan takes and puts his hands behind his head and gets a relaxed expression on his face.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I say confused, but more out of worry. His unexpected reaction distracted me for the time being to let me calm down.

Aidan smirks and says, "I think it's better to have another weirdo sitting next to you." He waves his hand around to reveal a few people giving us weird glances. That might be true. I didn't notice that before because I was so self-absorbed by what happened. My response is a sobful chuckle.

"I guess I didn't think about that..." My anxiety can be overbearing. Being self-conscious about how people view you is a pain. I relax my posture and let go of my knees while trying to wipe away my tears. A single hasty wipe makes me brush against my painful cheek, and I let out a little yelp.

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