Chapter 26

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Three days had come and gone since Willow returned to the boat. She had found out that Dustin had betrayed Sawyer and had met his end. Now there was no firstmate, but that hasn't stopped the crew from functioning. But it also didn't stop the crew from worrying about their captain. Every few hours Eleanor would go and check on him, but he was always the same. Asleep. When Eleanor was asked how he was doing the only answers she would give were he's alive, or he woke up long enough to eat a little. No one was allowed to see him until Eleanor said it was okay. But that didn't stop Willow from sitting by his bedroom door when she had nothing to do.

"Willow you need to find something to do other than sit there," Eleanor said walking out of Sawyers room.

"I know," Willow said looking at the floor," but I feel like it's my fault."

"It is not your fault," Eleanor said," if it's anyone's fault it's Dustin's."

"How that supposed to make me feel better?" Willow asked.

"Because he's dead and we can blame this on the dead man," Eleanor said walking away.

With a sigh, Willow got to her feet.  She needed to do something other than sit and worry. In her room, she sat on her bed. It felt strange being in this room. She had been staying in Sawyer's room after Thomas had kidnapped her. But since being back she had been sleeping in her room.

"Hey Willow," Treasure said walking in.

"What's up?" Willow asked motioning for Treasure to sit.

"Not much," Treasure said," but I've been wondering."

Willow tilted her head slightly giving her friend a look letting her know she was listening.

"How did the caption get that badly hurt?" Treasure asked.

"Well do you want the long or short version?" Willow asked.

"The short?" Treasure said a little unsure.

"Thomas," Willow said with a look she should have asked for the long version of the story.

"Okay quit giving me that look and tell me," Treasure said playfully.

"Okay, okay," Willow said with a laugh," so to start it off we were sneaking out of the castle one night, and as we made it to the open field some of the guards were catching up on us."

Treasure leaned in resting her elbows on her legs.

"Well they were shooting arrows at us and pup picked me up bridal style and booked it to the forest for cover, he got shot by two arrows though," Willow was saying," then we hid behind a boulder and met Dino."

"So that's how you know him," Treasure said interrupting Willow's story.

"Rude much," Willow said then going back to her story," he was showing us a way out of the forest without being caught by the guards when Thomas made an appearance. He said some things that pissed Saw- pup off and they got into a huge fight."

"Okay, so how did he not take you hostage again?" Treasure asked interrupting again.

"Will you quit interrupting me," Willow snapped then added," well when he got pup down and picked up his dagger and attacked him. I managed to stab his hand then I clawed his face."

"You what!?" Treasure asked laughing with joy.

"I clawed his face," Willow said," I actually think I managed to get his eye too. He was screaming like a child that didn't get what they wanted."

The two girls laughed and just talked about how they hoped he would have a scar to remember what happened. As their laughter died down there was a knock at the door.

"It's open," Willow said.

Eleanor walked in and the two laughing girls quieted quickly.

"The captain is awake and is asking for you," Eleanor said," I told him he should wait on having any visitors but when his mind is set on something you can't change it."

Looking at her calico friend, Willow stood and then followed Eleanor to Sawyer's room. They stopped at the door and Eleanor opened it for her to inter. Walking into the room she heard the door close behind her then footsteps walking away. Drawing her attention to Sawyer she saw him sitting propped up by his pillows. His chest and stomach were covered in fresh white bandages. As she got closer she saw that his eyes held pain in them.

"Hey," Willow softly said stopping at the foot of the bed. She was afraid that if she got any closer she may break him more.

"How are you doing?" Sawyer asked then added," you don't have to stand there."

"I'm doing fine," Willow said getting closer," it's great to be back."

She sat down beside him. There wasn't much room but she didn't care. She just wanted to be close to him.

"I'm sure everyone else is happy to have you back too," Sawyer said," and don't talk about Dino."

Willow closed her mouth quickly them reopened it asking," why not?"

"Dino is all Eleanor will talk about if she isn't nagging about my injuries," Sawyer said with a sigh of irritation.

"I think it's kinda cute," Willow said," she has a crush on him or something."

"Mhm," Sawyer said," you try being injured and the one that tends to your injuries won't shut up about someone they may have a crush on."

"Says the man who confessed his feeling in a dungeon," Willow said laughing a little.

"Don't remind me," Sawyer said covering his face.

"Oh come on," Willow said nudging him a little," I found it sweet."

"Ouch," Sawyer said wincing where Willow had nudged him.

"Sorry," Willow said feeling awful.

"It's okay," Sawyer reassured her," just try not to do that again."

"Sure, but how long are you going to be like this?" Willow asked.

"Kitten, that blade was made from a firestone," Sawyer said," the skin around my chest wound is badly burnt."

It felt like her heart dropped. She had told him to leave it in, even after he said it was burning him. It's my fault. She thought. She could feel tears run down her face and her bottom lip started to tremble. She closed her eyes unable to look at him.

"Kitten," Sawyer asked," what's wrong?"

She couldn't answer. When she opened her mouth to speak a choked sob escaped her mouth. She covered her face with her hands as more sobs broke from her. Arms wrapped around her and pulled her closer. Removing her hands from her face she saw that she was now leaning against Sawyer. He was holding her gently.

"Kitten what's wrong," Sawyer asked," why are you crying?"

"It's my fault," she choked out between sobs," it is my fault you're burnt."

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