Hes insecure- Mikey Mike Mike

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Lets be honest here friends, he doesn't talk that much. No matter how long he'll ever be with you, he doesn't enjoy talking, he didn't talk for most of life before you. And that makes his voice gravely and scratchy.

So of course when you managed to convince him to go with you to a small bakery just outside of Haddonfeild, he was hesitant to order on his own.

"And for you sir?" The waiter asked. Michael knew what he wanted. A ham and swiss croissant with an extra large black iced americano.
"Sorry hes a bit..shy." You trailed off, the waiter waved it off with a smile. "oNe-" michael cleared his throat. "One extra large ince americano, black. And one ham and swiss croissant." He said to the waiter, who seemed a bit shocked at now only how deep his voice was, but how it sounded as a whole. "Of course! C-coming right up!" He smiled, some what nervous.

Michale had a deep rymbly voice that sounded drained and melancholy. And his height and looks didn't help his hair was short and styled a ml d he almost always dressed in all black, and today was no different. He had on black dress shoes and socks and black slacks. Adorning his toned and scared chest was black turtle neck and black latex gloves, to help with his loathing of human contact that wasnt you.

He sighed and looked at you. He wished that his voice was more like yours. Softer and something that held emotions. Something people weren't scared of.

"Michael, are you thinking about your voice again. He nodded and sighed.

Before you could reply the waiter came over and gave you your food. "Alrighty! One large mango dragon fruit lemonade and a crepe breakfast special for the lady! And a Ham and swiss croissant along with a extra large black iced americano for..y-you." He smiled nervously and scurried off.

"You know I love you, and I love your voice. I know that you know this but i also know you dont listen to me. So I cannot stress this enough. You're perfect to me, okay?" He gave a large smile and stood up, clearly frightening the small children scattered around him. He leaned down and gave you a very rare slow and loving kiss.

He smiled Into the and when he pulled away, he moved his chair next to yours and after he ate, he cut and fed you your food.

He paid for your meal and on the way home he had and arm around your waist keeping you clo sa e to his chest.

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