11. Catch Me

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Before I fall too fast

Kiss me quick, but make it last

So I can see how badly this will hurt me when you say goodbye

Keep it sweet, keep it slow

Let the future pass and don’t let go

But tonight I could fall too soon into this beautiful moonlight


            I threw myself against my bed, a giant smile on my face. Everything was just kind of perfect right now. Yes, it was pretty bad that he had lied about his family but he had a pretty damn good reason for it. He was protecting them and I could understand that. His family was wonderful too, every single one of them. I could tell that they were close; living with people on the road for six years would do that to you. I just couldn’t believe that they had been through all that they had. I know that I couldn’t have handled losing my parents and then having to leave the pack that I grew up in. While his pack didn’t sound all that great, it was still a sense of security and family that I every wolf needed to feel. Wolves were social people and I know that I couldn’t have been away from people I knew for more than two weeks let alone six years.

            I took a shower and changed clothes, going through my nightly routine thinking about Jason and his family. I was happy that they were here, I don’t know what I would do without Jason and they were safe here. I knew that if it came down to it, when Jason told my Alpha, that my pack would protect them because they were good people an good people deserved to be protected. I climbed into bed and attempted to sleep but after a couple of hours I just couldn’t. I scrambled, finding Jason’s sweater and throwing it on. With that addition, I went to sleep quickly.

            The next morning dawned bright and early. Normally I wouldn’t be awake this early but today was special. I was hanging out with my friends today, getting in some good quality time. I had been feeling kind of guilty lately because I’d been spending all of my weekends and after school time with him when it used to be spent with them. So I had planned to spend the whole day with them, knowing that our friendship needed it.

            This was pretty big for us, considering that this would be the first major outing that we had since me and Seth broke up. According to Emma, it was important to see if the dynamic of the group had changed at all. She for one was happy that she was not the only single girl now; she couldn’t stand the looks that David kept giving her. I hadn’t really noticed them in the first place but I hoped that he wouldn’t start giving them to me now. Maybe if it got too bad Seth would step in, I had had a couple of civil conversations with him in school and it looked like we would end up being pretty good friend. Not as good as friends as we were when we started dating but I couldn’t ask for that considering I had actually broken his heart.

            I got dressed quickly and headed downstairs to wait for somebody to pick me up. It was times like these that I really wished I had a car of my own. Before I knew it, I heard honking and I raced outside to see Emma waving from her car.

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