22. Wild

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Don’t you think it’s time for you and me to make some history

Tell me now what you say cause we can take anything

Just because we’re growing up, it doesn’t mean we’ve had enough


            When I woke up I had no idea where I was. The room was completely white and there was a strong smell of antiseptic and blood. I tried to sit up but the protest in my lower right side of my torso told me to lay right back down. I sat back against the scratchy white sheets and looked at my room in greater detail. The walls were white but there was a row of windows along the right wall and I could see that it was daylight, although I had no idea what day it was. There were a couple of chairs pulled up next to the bed but other than that, the place was devoid of furniture.

            I was hooked up to an IV and a heart monitor, both of which were annoying me. I didn’t want to hear my heartbeat more than I already did. I pulled the monitor off and yanked the IV out, leaving a trail of blood until my wound healed. I tried to sit up again, knowing that my rib would protest but I didn’t care. I had things to take care, the most important of which was finding Jason.

            I limped towards the door, holding my gown closed so that my ass was flowing in the breeze. After finally making it to the door, I was pushed back when it opened suddenly. I gasped, flailing my hands, trying to catch my balance before falling promptly on my ass.

            “Oh my god, I am so sorry. I didn’t even see you sweetie. Are you ok?” the lady was nice enough and I could smell that she was apart of my pack so I didn’t take it seriously. Although now I had bruised butt as well as a broken rib.

            “It’s fine. I was just on my way out.” I answered, trying to move around her.

            She stopped though, grabbing my upper arm to steady me. “Are you feeling ok? You probably shouldn’t be out of bed yet.” She started to expect my arms and other parts of my body that she could see. She jabbed two fingers in my neck and then looked down at a watch n her wrist.

            “Yea I’m doing fine. I just want to find my mate.” I told her trying to move her fingers.

            She gave me a sad look and then moved out of my way. “Of course sweetie. Down the hall, second right, can’t miss him.” She smiled again but it didn’t make it to her eyes.

            I thought it was strange but I figured that maybe Jason was still healing and that was why she was giving me that look. I hadn’t tried to reach out to him through mind link, but I was way too tired to do anything at this point. I really shouldn’t have been out of bed yet. I stumbled my way down the hall and opened the door she instructed me too.

            Unlike mine, this room was full of people and every single one of them turned to look at me as I entered. But my eyes were only on the man in the bed. Jason lay there, asleep. But he wasn’t asleep, something was wrong. His body was covered in different wires and there were a million bruises covering his skin. I didn’t understand, those shouldn’t be there. Bruises are the first things to heal, the quickest to fix. They shouldn’t have still been there after all this time.

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