18. Radioactive

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I raise my flags, don my clothes

It’s a revolution, I suppose

We’ll paint it red to fit right in


            I stared across the fire at my new pack members. Jason was carrying Adam, who was still a little under the whether, while he roasted marshmallows. He already had very sticky hands and the chocolate bar that Alice was bringing towards them wasn’t going to help anybody. Joi was running around with the other kids, already making new friends.  They looked extremely happy to be apart of a pack again, a lot happier than they did an hour ago when the decision was being made.

            “I have a proposition for you tonight.” Alpha Jack stood on the stage, speaking into the microphone, his hand reaching back and holding Luna Carter’s. “I’m unsure if you all know this yet or not, but our little songbird Harley has found her mate.” I blushed and smiled widely as people clapped for me. I didn’t know this many people even knew who I was, but then again I did sing at almost ever concert.

            When everyone quieted down, he continued talking. “Usually, we would be loosing Harley to her mate’s pack, but this is a special circumstance. Harley’s mate, Jason, has asked permission to join ours because unfortunately he doesn’t have a pack of his own.” Everyone went super silent, listening to every word that he said. I worried that knowing that information would cause my pack to look down on Jason and his family, once they found out that he had any. “Now before you go making any assumptions, Luna and I have talked with him personally and have learned the reason for his status, he has not broken any wolf laws, or been kicked out of a pack. He left for his own reasons.” He let his words sink in.

            “Now I personally see no problem with inviting him to join our pack, but you are my family and I would never make a decision without you, so I’m letting you decide.” He stepped back from the microphone and let them think and talk amongst themselves for a while. After waiting nervously, gripping Jason’s hands, for ten minuets, Alpha Jack stepped back up.

            “Alright, let’s take a vote. All in favor of inviting Jason Allen into our pack?” Hands shot up all over the amphitheater, too many to count. Alpha Jack smiled, “Any against?” not a single hand rose. “Than it’s decided, Jason, come say hello to your new pack.”

            I clapped wildly as I he walked up on stage and stood on the edge. “Hey, my name is Jason Allen and I really appreciate this whole pack’s generosity. I’ve been staying here a couple of weeks now and I can really tell that you guys are one big family. And in the spirit of that, I actually have a couple of family members of my own that I would like you to meet.” Jason gestured, and his siblings stood up from their seats besides me and made their way to his side.

            Adam, with his thumb in his mouth, walked up and clung onto Jason’s leg. He bent down and pulled him into his arms. “These are my siblings. Our parents died when we were really young, and the pack that we were born into was no longer a safe place for us to live. So we left, and I have been taking care of them ever since then.”

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